Writing 3

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That one girl.
She sat so silently in the corner of the cafe. Her eyes blurred from unshed tears as she stared down at the sweetened brown liquid in the styrofoam cup in her hands. How she wished she could explain this feeling that bubbled up inside her like a shaken up coke. It was invisible until the lid was cracked, allowing the emotions to spew out in ways she had not wanted them to.
She had ruined it. Their friendship. She just had to spew out her feelings like a pathetic baking soda volcano science fair project.
It was just. She had kept it in for so long. Those feelings. That every time she looked into those chocolate brown eyes it was like looking into her own soul. She thought they had matched. That the two would eventually end up getting married and living happily ever after once one of them finally spoke those unsaid words.
True love. Those words no longer held any meaning to the girl except disappointment.
She silently blamed herself for getting her own hopes up. She actually believed that someone as amazing as him would love her. The girls hazel eyes finally let tears out of their confined space behind her eyelids as she realized how badly she had messed up. How ironic it is that an old famous singer had written a song stating that no one could see the tears she would cry due to her hazel eyes. That was true just for this girl. Maybe it was written for her? No, that would be stupid. Who would write a song about a girl lost in a fantasy world only to have it crushed in one moment by the fists of reality.
At least her misguided fairytale couldn't take away her coffee.

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