Writing 8

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The sun slowly pulls itself off the horizon
It's light gently seeps through the trees
Yet, why does this light bring no comfort?
Why does it leave you with a feeling of unease?

This light filters through your curtains, into your soul
It gently prods you awake, edging you to move forward
You are worth more then laying in bed, it tells you
Yet, you don't want to listen to it.

You want to curl into your blankets
To curl into the comforting darkness
To believe the voices that speak of your worthlessness
After all, you've listened to them for so long, why stop now?

Days can be hard
Months even more so
However, it's in these days, in these months, in these moments, that we find ourselves
It can be hard to stand with the world on your back, let alone climb your fears

Just know that this mountain you are climbing will become a grain of sand with time
You are stronger then you know
You are worth so much more then you thought before
You are meant to be more then a glimpse in time

The voices in the darkness are not you
The claims of the sun are true
You are worth so much more then the darkness
Never forget that

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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