Chapter 3

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"So you're saying that Zoltec was....your creator?", said Waldo.

"Yes, moron! That place was super terrible! Zoltec was a very bad man! Even when he betrayed Dark Cranky!", said Adam.

With that, Waldo realized something!

"Can you take us there? What if Zoltec plans on reactivating the Changing?!", said Waldo.

"There's only one way to find out, we must see it ourselves!", said Lukas.

"So, we're going back to my home," said Adam.

"Yes, Zoltec might be using the Changing for something!", said Waldo.

So they walked to the Changing. They traveled for about a mile, just like Lukas had mentioned. When they got there, Waldo saw where Adam was made. The Changing was the only part of Nedonia that didn't have grass, trees, ancient monuments, or anything like Waldo had seen on this planet so far. There were old drills everywhere. At the center of the rough stony region was a huge building that was super wide, super long, and super high. It kinda reminded Waldo of an oil mine back on Earth.

"Welcome to the Changing," sighed Adam.

The place was silent. All that could be heard was the slow grinding of rusted metal and the cold wind. All over the place were piles of silvery metals, Adamantium. Waldo knew that a single piece of Ultramantium or Adamantium was worth billions of Units. Waldo was rich. Why couldn't the Galtraxians sell all the Adamantium lying around the mines to pay for all the damage from Dark Cranky's attack.

"As you can see, this place was once the biggest Adamantium mine ever, and still is to this day! Adamantium and Ultramantium are the strongest metals in existence, both are found only in the center of planets and stars. Adamantium is also found in the fossils of Sanvulcans. Adamantium and Ultramantium are nearly indestructible, for it takes a lot of power to destroy it. Not even a Cosmic Gem can destroy it!", said Adam.

Waldo look at the cluster of Adamantium ore that laid throughout the mines. He picked up one of the stones. Waldo pulled out his backpack and took a lot of Adamantium. Dang, for an indestructible metal, this metal was lighter than feathers, literally! He could fit fifty pieces of ore in his bag, and not have trouble carrying all of it!

"If what you say is true, I think Zoltec will be inside the Incubation Chamber, the place where they built the bodies. Please don't bang your bloody Ultragauntlet against that rock, for it could give away our location," said Adam.

"Nothing seems to be activated," said Waldo.

"The foul place was abandoned for fifteen years," said Adam.

Then, there were footsteps echoing in the distance. Waldo, Lukas, and Adam hid behind one of rusty old drills. Waldo looked to get a peak. Just as Waldo guessed, it was Zoltec. The man held a futuristic-looking phone in his ear. The phone was made entirely out of glass.

"Don't worry, master, everything is running smooth. The Galtraxians are after the Agent Kids and Nedonians. Somehow, I just need to use my soldiers to get the clue to the Astrogem. Then you will have it and will create a perfect world. How about we talk to each other through CyberNova (extraterrestrial FaceTime). By the way, sorry for betraying you so long ago. But after you get what you want, I expect to get my part of the bargain!", said Zoltec.

The old man seemed to be rushing to get into the Incubation Chamber. Then he went inside the old building and a mechanical door closed behind him. There was a loud alarm. Then all of the drills began to start digging through the ground.

"He's reactivated the Changing," said Waldo.

"Let's go follow Zoltec into the Incubation Chamber. He could be trying to create Adamantium soldiers," said Adam.

So the three of them snook into the Incubation Chamber. When they got inside the lab, Waldo was creeped out. There were pods everywhere, each containing a body. Spiderwebs were everywhere.

"Is Zoltec planning to finish developing these creatures?", said Waldo.

"He's up to something. But I doubt that he could finish developing these bodies. These bodies have been in those pods for a long time without the pods being active, so the bodies inside the pods died before they could be created," said Adam.

Then Waldo noticed that one of the pods was empty. He noticed that every pod had a identification number on it. He looked back at the empty one. When he saw the number on it, he was amazed. The identification number was: UNIT A1B3! Waldo remembered back at the Tournament that Resizagirl said that number was Adam's identification number.

"Hey Adam, is this your pod?", said Waldo.

When Adam saw the pod, he grunted.

"Yes, that's my pod! I was born right in there!", grunted Adam.

"Let's go find out where Zoltec went," said Waldo.

So they silently tip toed across the Incubation Chamber. Man it was disturbing. It was like walking through a spooky abandoned hospital. They wandered around for about a half hour when they finally found the evil king.

Zoltec seemed to be contacting someone by video. Waldo, Lukas, and Adam immediately hid behind a few pods.

"Master, I'm video calling you right now," said the evil emperor.

Waldo took a peak at who he was calling. When Zoltec's master got online, Waldo was both surprised and not surprised!

"Together, we will rule the multiverse.......Dark Cranky!", said Zoltec.

It was Deathshadow!

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