Chapter 16

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Waldo and the offensive team snook across the jungle until they reached the Changing. There, Resizagirl told the Novans to wait until the signal. So the Novans stayed while the Agent Kids and Olympian Six snook across the rocky floor of the old Adamantium mines. Even inhabited, the Changing was still creepy. The Agent Kids and Olympian Six hid behind drills. Waldo took a peek at what was in the Incubation Chamber. There were Galtraxian guards protecting the entrance.

Suddenly, a black, ominous ship landed near the entrance, it was a Dark Legion Harrow ship, which were the fastest ships in the Dark Legion that acted as both unit transports and fighter ships. Harrow ships were shaped like planes, except the wings of the ship acted as blades, and actually sliced through things. The Dark Legion used two types of spaceships, Harrow ships and Birds. Birds were the largest, slowest, but strongest ships in the Dark Legion that could shoot powerful, colossal lasers that could destroy an entire town. Birds also could send Harrows into space. Birds were used as warships, carrier ships, and even as mobile prison-schools for Minors!

The first person to leave the ship was Dark Cranky. The rest were Dark Legionnaires. Dark Cranky walked over to the entrance of the Incubation Chamber. He knocked on the door. The person who came out of the out of the entrance was Zoltec, who welcomed Deathshadow.

"Ah, Emperor Deathshadow, how's it going, my old friend," said Zoltec.

"I have no time for an introduction, Zoltec! I am on a very tight schedule, show me Destruction! NOW!!!!", said Deathshadow.

"Uh, right sir. Right this way," said Zoltec.

Then Dark Cranky, along with about 40 Dark Legionnaires, entered the Incubation Chamber. The entrance door closed. Resizagirl shrank to the size of an ant so she could check out.

Before the Agent Kids and Olympian Six left, Waldo created an intercom system so the Agent Kids and Olympian Six could communicate from far distances.

"There seems to be two guards equipped with electro-sphere launchers protecting the entrance," said Resizagirl, who was using the intercom.

Waldo took a small peak. He noticed a suspicious, yet very familiar, person who was also sneaking into the Changing, it was Lukas.

"Resizagirl, stay where you are and don't move," said Waldo.

"Fine," sighed Resizagirl.

Waldo peaked at Lukas. Lukas began beating the life out of the guards. As a matter of fact, Lukas beaten up the guards so bad that they actually begged for mercy. Lukas didn't take pity on them, so he brutally killed them. Then he smashed open the entrance door and went on a killing spree. Waldo never realized how powerful Lukas was, he was almost like an Elemental God!

"Resizagirl, is the coast clear?", said Waldo.

"Judging by the fact that Lukas is killed the guards who were protecting the entrance, I say yes. Give the signal," said Resizagirl.

Waldo stood up and waved his arms around to inform the Novans that they could attack the Changing. The first thing Waldo could see inside the Incubation Chamber were a cluster of dead bodies lying around. All of the bodies were brutally beaten and had cuts everywhere. Puddles of blood oozed everywhere. All of the old pods that once grew clones were broken and damaged. Sparks flew through the air.

"Holy Styx, your friend did all this?", said Mathew.

"Come on, he bought us some time," said Waldo.

"Zaltoo. (March quietly.)", said Resizagirl.

So Waldo and his army silently walked across the building. Lukas sure was powerful. Lots of powerful guns were lying but around, just ready to be used. So Waldo suggested to give the guns to the Novans to replace their bows and arrows.

Then there was the sound of someone being beaten. Waldo decided to check alone. He hid behind one of the old pods. He saw Lukas beating a Galtraxian soldier to death.


"Please, have mercy on me!", begged the soldier.

"ANSWER ME!!!", yelled Lukas.

"I'll tell you, just don't kill me! Zoltec is keeping Destruction in the Central Chamber," said the soldier.

"GOOD!!! NOW DIE DIE DIE!!!!", yelled Lukas.

Then he put the soldier out of his misery. Lukas ran to find Zoltec. Waldo got out from behind the pod and gave the signal to keep moving forward.

Waldo and his army walked across the Incubation Chamber for half an hour without being seen. Suddenly, Waldo and his army found themselves surrounded by an army of Galtraxian soldiers.

"STAND DOWN NOW!!!", yelled one of the soldiers.

Waldo gave the signal for the Novans to attack. Using all of the electro-sphere launchers they found, the Novans began shooting down soldiers left and right. Electro-sphere launchers didn't kill you, but they knocked you out and sent millions of volts of electricity around your body, paralyzing your body for days, even after the unconsciousness stopped.

The Galtraxians fired back. Then they stopped. One of the soldiers spoke, the general.

"Alright, don't fire at them one at a time! All of you fire at the same time, on my command! NUMBER ONE, ON MY COMMAND!!!", yelled the general.

Then the Galtraxians fired at Waldo's army at the same time, knocking out a cluster of the Novans. So Waldo's army continued firing. With the soldiers distracted, the Agent Kids and Olympian Six struck down the soldiers fairly quick.

More and more soldiers came to attack the Agent Kids, Olympian Six, and the Novans. The Agent Kids and Olympian Six kept on fighting their way to the Central Chamber. These soldiers were easy to kill, however there were thousands of them, making it harder.

So Waldo decided to do the one thing Firestar never wanted him to do to her, he made her mad! When you make Firestar mad, then it'll be like setting off an atomic bomb. He told Adam to mock Firestar as they were fighting off Zoltec's guards.

"Hey Firestar, you're a loser! I hate you, I'm glad that your mother is a weirdo, she should've been better off dead!", taunted Adam.

Then Adam immediately began harassing Waldo. Punching him in the face.

"STOP IT!!!! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!", yelled Firestar.


Adam began punching Waldo. Firestar's eyes glowed red with rage. Her whole bogy began to ignite.

"Oh no, Adam's hurting me!", said Waldo.

"Try not to set off a time bomb!", said Adam.

Then it happened, Adam lit the fuse, literally. Firestar's rage created a massive explosion that harmed everything. But it worked, Firestar took out all the guards.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT, ADAM?!!!!", said Firestar.

"Uhhh, it was Waldo!", said Adam.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I had Adam do all that to me so you could take out the guards with your rage powers," said Waldo.

"Ugh! Whatever!", sighed Firestar.

"Sorry if I was a little rough on you, Waldo," said Adam.

"Yeah, try not to be so violent in an act," said Waldo.

So Waldo and his army walked across the Incubation Chamber. Unfortunately, only a quarter of the building was destroyed. The other half of the building was developing Destruction.

When they reached the Central Chamber, Waldo saw a scary presence standing in front of him. It wasn't Zoltec, or even Dark Cranky! It was Lukas, and he was angry!

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