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private message between Queen Ellie ✨👑 and Marianna Grande 👯

Queen Ellie ✨👑
um hey there sis
sorry i haven't been replying to your texts when you're taking time out of your busy schedule to check up on me
i've just been a bit preoccupied with things

Marianna Grande 👯 
no omg it's totally fine!
i'm just glad you're alright
you know you can talk to me about anything ❤️

Queen Ellie ✨👑
thanks sis 😊😘
hey um
can i ask you something

Marianna Grande 👯
of course!
what's up?

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i pretty much hate myself for bringing this up when i know how much it hurt when it happened
but about two years ago

Marianna Grande 👯
ahh i see what you're trying to say
you mean when i was dating chris right

Queen Ellie ✨👑
are you okay with what happened between the two of you???
i mean
he was your first love wasn't he
then he had to go and cheat on you from right under your nose

Marianna Grande 👯
well yeah i mean
chris was my first love and i really did love him at one point
and i loved him even though i knew that he didn't love me back

Queen Ellie ✨👑
wait you knew he didn't love you but you didn't care??

Marianna Grande 👯
of course i cared
it's just that
it's hard to just forget all about the person you loved
no matter how much pain you go through, you'd still end up saying you love him at the end of the day

Queen Ellie ✨👑
did you even know that he was a fuckboy
or that he tried to hit on me when we first met and that was when you two were dating and i almost punched him

Marianna Grande 👯
of course i knew he was a fuckboy
i just thought that i could change him you know?
but then i realized that he wasn't going to change just because i loved him
love wasn't enough to get a person to turn in the right direction
and then i found out that he hooked up with a 96er on our 5th month together
i mean it wasn't a surprise bc i knew how much of a fuckboy he was
but it still didn't stop the pain i felt when i found out
it still hurt like hell bc i fucking loved him

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i remember that day
you came home crying wearing that nice yellow dress you've been saving up for with mascara tear stains
on your face
i was so fucking mad at chris for breaking your heart then bc i knew that you really did love him and he just trampled on that love

Marianna Grande 👯
and i really do appreciate how much you cared about me
since i heard you punch him on the face the next day

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i did swear i'd break his face if he broke your heart but sadly i can only manage a black eye
but one thing i cant understand though is why you decided to forgive him even though he did something really shitty to you

Marianna Grande 👯
that's because he's human ellie
and humans aren't perfect
he fucked up
im sure he's fucked up more than a few times but what mattered is that he apologized and regretted what he did in the past
i was honestly pissed at him for that but then he dmed me on instagram last saturday and apologized for what he did and it was something i couldn't believe he'd do

Queen Ellie ✨👑
wait he did what???
he only apologized just last saturday???

Marianna Grande 👯
he said he fucked up badly with someone he really cared about
and he fucked up with his current girlfriend too though he doesn't have any feelings for her
he said that losing that person he cared about made him open his eyes and he apologized to me
he asked what he should do to get her back and i told him to just apologize

Queen Ellie ✨👑
that's cool i guess

Marianna Grande 👯
you know he didn't have to tell me her name for me to know who he was talking about

Queen Ellie ✨👑
what do you mean

Marianna Grande 👯
ellie, i'm not dumb enough not to see it
he likes you
and you like him

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i dont fucking like him
why does everyone keep saying that

Marianna Grande 👯
bc you do like him
you wouldn't ask me about him and what happened between us two years ago if you didn't
hell you only wanted to know what he did to me before and you never bothered asking about him again
until now

Queen Ellie ✨👑
i don't know anymore marie
all i know is that i'm mad at him and at eva for hooking up
since you know how much i hate cheating assholes even if one of them's my best friends
bc it reminds me of mom

Marianna Grande 👯
sweetie you gotta learn to let go
and just forgive and forget
everyone is human and they all make mistakes
so what?
you need to learn that everyone fucks up every now and then
you don't need to hold them accountable for a mistake they regret

Queen Ellie ✨👑
thanks for the advice marie
i really do feel a whole lot better just by talking to you
i'll try talking to eva and chris then

Marianna Grande 👯
go talk to your boyfriend hun ❤️

Queen Ellie ✨👑
for the last time i don't like him 🙄

Marianna Grande 👯
you know
don't worry about me, el
i'm fine now
i got over him so it's totally fine if you wanna date him
he is really cute 😍
and i think you guys would look good together

Queen Ellie ✨👑
bye sis 🙄

Marianna Grande 👯
alrighttt i'll stop teasing
take care of yourself 💕
Read 17:45

~ [ 📷 ] ~
fam i cry

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