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Yeah, I know, it's pretty pathetic for a prologue, but my first chapter is too long so you're all stuck with this. And YES, IT WILL GET BETTER! Enjoy and thanks for checking this out! :P



It was dead silent as the young woman opened the door of the small bungalow, causing the floor to creak as she did so. He watched as she stood in her doorway, different expressions running across her face, yet he couldn't tell what she was really feeling; amazement, shock, maybe even disgust at the thought of a baby in an old wicker basket, just lying there in front of her.

            The baby let out a small wail, but the woman clearly knew what to do. She picked up the little girl without hesitation and immediately started rubbing her back, softly cooing as the baby gurgled in delight.

Through the dusty window of the family's old cabin, he saw the figure of two children, the eldest a girl, and a little boy, about a year old. They both stared in shock as the woman, clearly their mother, looked at the baby and brought it inside. She was muttering something, but it  couldn't be heard over the howl of the raw, cold wind, even though he was only about ten feet away.

            Yes, he thought to himself as the woman silently closed the door. This would be the perfect home for the little girl, with a mother and father, whom he was sure would adore her, an older sister, who could teach her lots of things in life, and a brother, who could help her with anything. None of them would every abandon her, he was sure of it. The girl would be kept safe, even though she wouldn't know who she really was, and neither would any of her friends or family. Only few would ever really know she existed, who she really was.

            The man didn't know it at that time, but the woman had decided what she should name the unknown child she had found lying on her doorstep.

            Kiera. A unique name. It fit perfectly.


Ok! I really hoped you like it! IF YOU DID:

-Comment! (You'll get a dedication for one of my chapters..)

-Follow me! (I follow back!)

And also... lot's of people have read the prologue but only about 30% stay and read the rest.. I would love if you could give me some feedback for this... just what's wrong with it/what makes it not interesting.

So yeah, I would seriously love some feedback as to what's wrong.. TELL ME PEOPLE!

Ok, that's it...

Thanks! :P

-Me x

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