Chapter 14

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I was about to finsh at 2000 words, but somehow I ended with 2900? How...? Well, enjoy! Sorry if it's not as good, I was a bit rushed... plus not much inspiration...


            I walked through the open door to see Gabe sitting on the couch, almost in tears, with a police officer beside him. The officer stood up from his place on the couch and walked over to me.

            “I’m sorry, miss.” he said,  placing a hand on my shoulder before heading out the door. I stood there, mystified as the officer walked past me, nodding his head and giving me a small smile.

            I was still confused. Why had a police officer come to our house?  Was it because of Matt? He hadn't come home for a while, almost two days now, but I didn't worry too much; he always came home. Always. He did that time he left for nine months, but he came back for my birthday, although that didn't explain why he would leave a week later, for no reason, or so I assumed.

            I walked over to my uncle figure seeming so little compared to his height.

            “Gabe, what's wrong?” I asked softly. I didn't want to push him; he seemed so fragile, so small. He didn't answer me, he was shaking so much. It was terrifying.

            I was scared. I had never seen my uncle like this before. He was always so strong, like a rock. My rock.  Nothing shook him. What could've happened that made him like this?

            “It's your brother,” The officer beside him said. My heart stopped.

            'What is it? What's wrong? Is he okay?” I was worried. When the man didn't look me in the eye, I knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Fear strikes my heart, making it pump ten times faster as the man opened his mouth.

            “He's gone.”

*     *     *

            I awoke bolt upright and gasping, sucking in air like I was about to die. As I tried to calm and slow my heart, Paige looked over at me from the other couch, concern in her eyes.

            Ignoring her look, I tried to stand but the cloth plaid carpet underneath me made my already shaky legs unstable. I sat back down as a tear threatened to leave my eye.

            Paige came over and same beside me and in that moment I let the façade drop. The one where I was strong both inside and out, the feary princess that no one could break. I changed to a heartbroken girl.

            Tears stained Paige’s shirt as I let go. He sympathetic eyes… it was like she was mocking me for my actions even though I knew she wasn’t.

            She knew what happened with Matt. Gosh, she and Dylan were there to pick up the pieces after he… left.

            But it just wasn’t the same, you know? Sure, Paige was my best friend and Dylan was like another brother, but Matt and I had a bond. We had gone through so much together, so I think the closeness was to be expected.  Over the death of out sister and parents, to moving in with an uncle we didn’t know, we bonded over everything. I could tell him anything that was on my mind, any problems and he was always my shoulder to cry on with things got too tough. But then he left and it was like another heartbreak all over again.

            “Hey, it’s ok, Paige soothed me as I felt another tear slip down my wet face. But I stood up, making sure my eyes were dry before smiling back at Paige.

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