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"i wanna throw a party of my own." amara randomly spat out.

"i'll be right back." joji spoke, scurrying out the door, leaving amara confused.

a few minutes later joji returned with the familiar curly haired party crazed aussie.

"i figured we could use some help from the ledge himself." joji chuckled as max waved.

"okay we're gonna needs lots of booze and bitches." max spoke, scoping out amara's house.

"i invited everyone in my contacts." joji shrugged.

"i'll invite some people." max nodded.

"i have a bunch of liquor in the cabinet." amara spoke, holding a full bottle of hennessy up.

"hennessy will get me in trouble." max smirked as amara pulled out the small shot glasses.


"when did this happen?" amara questioned loudly over the blaring music, gesturing towards the overcrowded house full of drunk people.

"people just started showing up in flocks. we should go outside, it's a lot more low key." joji suggested.

amara and joji made their way through the living room that was now a makeshift dance floor, heading towards the back door.

the fresh outside air was a relief from the scent inside consisting of sweat, cheap liquor, and weed.

"hey guys, come play a game." max waved them over to a smaller group of people sitting in the grass.

joji and amara sat down completing the circle in the itchy grass.

"let's play fuck marry kill with a twist: if you pass you have to take a shot." max suggested drunkenly, taking a swig from the half empty bottle.

"sarah palin, ted cruz, and nicki minaj." a random voice spoke up.

"no, i meant lets play with the people that are here." max cut the voice off, rolling his eyes.

amara rested her arms behind her in the grass waiting patiently to probably embarrass herself with the stupid game.

"amara, max, and chad." the voice next to joji slurred.

"oh, um. who's chad?" joji paused thinking this one out carefully as a large hairy man was pointed to.

"fuck chad for sure, marry amara, and kill max. sorry dude." joji chuckled, winking at chad.

amara had zoned off many turns ago, lost in her intoxicated thoughts, thinking what it would actually be like to marry joji.

"lets go back inside." joji leaned his head over and whispered in amara's ear.

amara nodded and followed joji's actions, swiftly getting up and heading back to the loud music.

"i love this song!" amara gasped as she sang along to biz markie's just a friend, obnoxiously laughing and making hand motions towards joji.

"george?" a lanky boy with glasses questioned, approaching the two.

no one has called joji george since elementary school amara thought to herself.

"ian? it's been too long, man." joji greeted him with a handshake.

"i'm visiting california to see my parents, i heard from max there was a party so i couldn't pass that up." ian chuckled, fixing his glasses.

"and who is this?" ian spoke up again, admiring amara.

"my uh- she- amara. this is amara." joji stuttered nervously, mentally slapping himself in the face.

"i'm ian." he introduced, bringing amara's hand to his lips, leaving a soft kiss.

amara smiled kindly, hoping it wasn't too evident that she was completely uninterested.

joji's jealous side automatically kicked in.

"it was nice seeing you, but we have to go." joji smiled, pulling amara away with him.

"what was that about?" amara questioned, taking a seat on her counter.

"it's nothing." joji huffed.

amara could tell joji was jealous, she knew him like the back of her hand. amara decided to poke at the fact he's jealous.

"ian's cute." amara stated simply, taking a sip from her cup.

joji's blood started to boil at just two words.

"i like his glasses." amara spoke as joji became more and more frustrated with every word.

"stop." joji asked nicely.

"what are you jealo-" amara was cut off when joji attached his lips to hers.

the two were kissing for what felt like forever when amara realized the room grew silent.

amara broke the kiss when she saw everyone making a run for the back door.

"we have to go." joji commanded as he saw two police officers approaching, pulling amara down from the counter, running out the back door.

"but it's my house." amara whined, still holding joji's hand.

"would you like to go back and possibly get arrested?" joji questioned.

amara bursted out in a fit of laughter as she took a seat on the curb.

joji joined her, observing every second as she smiled and laughed.

"i guess we can go back later and clean." amara sighed, calming down a bit.

"did you just say we and clean in the same sentence?" joji chuckled.

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