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Keiki'hali was always so kind to the Earth, and being sister to Sina, the wife of the chief, she used the small platform of power she held to remind and ensure that the people of Motunui treated the island with respect. Due to her continued and genuine care for the Earth, one evening, the God, Kāne visited Keiki'hali.

Kāne was one of the four gods of creation, specifically, the god of natural phenomena such as Earth, stones, and fresh water. He was so captivated and enraptured by her love of the Earth he created. He visited her most nights, and they became extremely close and eventually intimate. It was not meant to be however, as she became impregnated with a baby. It was known that if a mortal became pregnant with the offspring of a God, that neither the mother or the baby would live. Kāne wept, and apologised for what he had done to her. He couldn't stomach the guilt and he fled, never to see Keiki'hali again.

Keiki'hali was terrified, she was carrying the baby of a god, and she knew what the outcome would be. Though she decided to give birth to her child, despite her own mortality coming to an end. She confided in her sister, Sina, and her best friend, Nana'ho. Nine months passed, and Keki'hali was heavily pregnant. The dreaded break of her water ran down her frail legs, and she knew that 'her time on Earth had come to an end.

With small tears running down her face, she sat in the tent of the island's healers along with Sina and Nana'ho, and prepared to give birth. After nearly 22 hours of gruelling and strenuous labour, a small but powerful cry could be heard. Her baby had survived, though her child was quite weak and small. Despite her soul and breath slipping away, she reached for her child. She brought the small and squirming bundle of cloth to her face and whispered.

"I will always love you, my little Makana" She weakly looked up at Sina and Nana'ho.

"I will name her Kalani, as for her last name, I do not want to give her mine, as I don't want her to be reminded of the death of her mother." She was running out of life rapidly as each word left her mouth.

"Kaiahi, Kalani Kaiahi, meaning-" She swallowed deeply "meani-" Her last breath slipped out of her, and her facial features softened, with her limbs going lifeless.

Nana'ho and Sina sobbed for hours, cradling the newborn. Plans had to be made on what to do with the child.

"I will raise her" Nana'ho proclaimed "I am now alone on this island, and I will feel connected to Keiki'hali if I have the privilege of raising her child"

Sina nodded and hugged Nana'ho. Sina already had a three-year-old Moana to care for, so she was incredibly grateful. They announced to the village that Keiki'hali had passed during child birth, but had given birth to a baby girl.

The next few days were filled with preparation for her burial, and Sina prepared Nana'ho for motherhood.

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