Zanvis dare #2

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Travis-*walls over to Zane with Pocky package*

Zane-Hey Travis, what's that?

Travis- These are pocky sticks, there delicious you should try one!

Zane-okk, I'll try one

Travis-yuss *takes a stick out and hands it to Zane*

Zane-*takes the stick and puts one end in his mouth*

Travis-*puts the other end in his mouth*


Travis-*bites down further*

Zane-*bites further*

Travis-*bites down further*

Both-*reach the center*

Travis-*breaks off last piece*

Travis-*dips Zane and kisses him*

Zane-*giggles and kisses Travis back*


I thought that was cute but meh I tried. Bye

Ask or Dare Zanvis, Gaurrence, Vlante {Oh Hold!}Where stories live. Discover now