Daily Life

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Winter Morning, the curtains were up, the sun kisses my cheeks and I feel as if its a dream where I only see my first love. He slowly walks closer to me and I feel my heart beat vibrating down my body. Its definitely a dream, yes, I dont want to wake up from this beautiful and rare moment.. I hardly have dreams ㅋㅋㅋ I wake up suddenly, still lying on bed, already knowing that this really can't happen in real. Might as well enjoy it as one of the very many stories of my imagination. I curl up under my blanket in the hope of dreaming once again but also complaining why the curtains are up so early. I turn to scan the clock and find that its already noon. Why isn't Mom turning into the usual 'scold your daughter every morning' parent ? In a second I realised that it was not the usual study holiday but in real the winter break's first day! Ah what a long month it was studying for the finals. Mom had probably seen me stressed up real bad and thought of going on lenient on me for the rest of winter break. What a relief ! I finally decided to get up from bed and started clearing up the mess in which my room was during the past couple of weeks. Finishing up I saw Mom had already finished up all her chores and making Lunch as well. She was waiting patiently for me to wake up by my own. I quickly freshened up and sat right at the dining table for lunch skipping breakfast. Well yeah the time was that it really favoured Lunch ㅋㅋ.

( Sorry for lengthening the intro so much but its just that I want you guys to really blend in the fic~ Enjoy~ The OP and main characters will show up in the next episode. So stay tuned )

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