Ch. 2- Platform 9 3/4

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Ch. 2

** Amelia's POV

The next day, Hagrid took Amelia to where she would be boarding the train to Hogwarts. The two walked in silence as Amelia listened to the usual afternoon bustle in the train station as business workers and families scurried past her to reach their train. Amelia made sure to have one hand resting lightly on the trolly containing her bag and Tawny's cage. Hagrid had gotten all of Amelia's supplies when she was getting fitted for her robes except her owl and wand.

After getting her vine wood wand which contained a chimeara scale, Hagrid took Amelia to pick out her owl. The owls to choose from shrunk as Amelia had explained to the shop owner that the owl must be compatable with a snake. As soon as Hagrid described Tawny to Amelia and she had gently pet the small owl's feathers, Amelia knew that Tawny was the one. Slink had grudgingly given his approval.

"Alrighty then Amelia, ere we are. When you take da trolly, Slink can help you, but it's really quiet simple. Just walk straight forward and you will go through the bricks between platforms nine and ten." Hagrid said, handing the trolly over to Amelia. 

Amelia nodded and touched Slink's coils for reassurance. The last thing she needed was to run into a wall and embarrass herself. She wanted to keep her blindness a secret for as long as possible. 

"Alrightt, jusst walk quickly straight ahead and we ssshould be there." Slink murmured into Amelia's ear, calming her nerves immediately. Taking one final deep breath, Amelia pushed the trolly and walked ahead. For a few seconds, the world became silent, but as Amelia kept moving, the sounds of a new platform reached her ears and she smiled to herself as she heard. "All aboard for Hogwarts!"

Leaving her bags where Slink directed her, Amelia stepped onto the train. Thankfully, most of the other students seemed to have already found a cart and there weren't many robes bumping past Amelia. Making her way down the aisle, Amelia kept her ears open for a cart that sounded fairly empty but to her disappointment, each cart was filled with excited chatter or laughter

"Well we've only passssed the yellow and blue sectionss..There are sstill two more to go." Slink said, Amelia giggling as his tongue tickled her ear. She felt the small snake swivel to look into each cart, hoping to help her find an empty one. Thankfully Hagrid had reminded Amelia to make Slink invisible, otherwise there would most likely be a lot of screams when people noticed the small snake.

Amelia heard footsteps suddenly turn a corner towards her but it was too late. Bumping into each other, a simultaneous 'umph!' escaped both and Amelia sighed as she ended up on the carpeted floor. 

"Hey! Watch where your go-" the boy's voice cut off and Amelia recognized the voice. "Amelia right?" asked Draco. Smiling up in his direction she laughed, "Yes, and your Draco right?" Feeling movement towards her face, Amelia realized he had stuck his had out to help her up. Fumbling slightly to locate his hand, she grasped it and allowed him to help her stand up. 

Amelia could hear the smile in his voice as he chuckled, "Well fancy running into you here." Amelia laughed and shook her head at his corny remark and smiled , "So where are you sitting?" Hoping he would let her sit with him, Amelia listened as he told her he was just down a bit in the Slytherin area. 

"Er, you could sit with me and my friends if you liked.." Draco finished, Amelia noting his hesitation and she smiled at his embarrassment. Nodding quickly, Draco began walking further down the hall, oblivious to Amelia's blindness. This thought made Amelia happy and she followed his footsteps to the cart.

"Theress another girl and two boyss in the cart.."Slink whispered and Amelia stiffined a bit as she entered after Draco. "Oh there you are Dracey! I was soooo..Who is THAT?" an obnoxious voice asked. The girl, Amelia concluded since from Slink's description, neither of the boys would call Draco by 'Dracey' . Amelia smirked a little as she heard Draco push the girl off of him and she thudded to the floor.'Obviously not the skinniest...' Amelia thought, her smirk growing at the loud sound from the girl's fall.

"Whatta YOUUU smirking at?" the girl growled, stumbling against what Amelia assumed to be the seats in her effort to get up. "Whats with the glasses? We're indoors you-" Draco immediatly shut the girl up, "Shut up Pansy! Get out now before I make you sorry!" A small whimper came from the girl and Amelia moved over a bit as she heard the rude cow move to the doorway and leave. Amelia could feel the girl's hateful glare but ignored it, turning back to the three boys now before her. 

"Sorry about her. This is Crabbe and Goyle, and you already met Pug-Faced Pansy" Draco muttered, clearly unhappy still about the cow's attack on him. Amelia laughed and introduced herself to Crabbe and Goyle, who were sitting across from herself and Draco now. After Slink's description of the boys, Amelia raised and eyebrow and turned in Draco's direction, ignoring his intoxicating scent.

"Are they your friends or body guards?" Amelia asked, causing  low grunt from both of the boys across from her and a chuckle from Draco. Amelia had to smile back, pleased with herself for erasing the lingering tension.

**Draco's POV

Draco glared out the window, how could Pansy embarrass him like that? It took all his strength not to go track her down and make her sorry. No, he thought, he had to stay and keep Amelia company. Already she seemed wary of Crabbe and Goyle, not that he blamed her. The two thick heads were huge compared to most people, and then add Amelia's particularly small frame and you get two giants next to a small fairy..A beautiful fairy..NO! concentrate on how to make Pansy pay, anything but Amelia. Although Draco knew he couldn't hide his feelings towards her forever, he had to try. 

The house that she would be placed in that night would determine if he could be with her or have to hate her. His father would never allow him to be with anyone other than a Slytherin, and for that matter, he couldn't allow himself. Only Slytherins were powerful and strong enough to be safe from his family and their 'friends'. Amelia, having finished staring at Crabbe and Goyle, turned towards him, raising an eyebrow and asking ,"Are they your friends or body guards?"

The tension in Draco's mind immediately evaporated and he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. Amelia was right, Crabbe and Goyle were more of body guards than true friends. Those numbskulls were not for Draco to have company but rather to intimidate others. Draco didn't feel like he should tell Amelia that. There was a chance she could be in Slytherin and in that case, Draco didn't want to ruin their relationship. 

"Eh" he simply said, shrugging slightly and smiling back at her. Her smile was contagious and something in Draco stirred as he watched her. Noticing she still had her designer sunglasses on, covering half her face, Draco debated on whether or not to ask her to take them off. He wanted to look into her eyes which he was certain were beautiful, but no, Pansy had ruined that request. 

Draco then noticed a flash of dark hair and glasses pass by his window before it paused and opened the cart door revealing Potter in all his 'glory'. Sneering, Draco glared at the intruder, "What do you want Potter? Did the blood traitor and mudblood get tired of you?" Amelia, who had turned when Potter opened the cart door, turned back to Draco and he could see the confusion on her face. 

"I'll tell you later." Draco promised her before turning back to the now scowling Potter. "I just came to see why Amelia was hanging out with two idiots and a ferret"  Potter growled back and Draco noticed Amelia flinching back from his harsh tone. 

"Leave her alone, Potter! She can sit where she like, especially since she's smart enough to hang out with the right crowd." Draco yelled, anger boiling in him as he stood in front of Amelia and his face inches from Potter's. For some reason, Draco felt a pull to protect her and that was what he intended to do.  Before he could punch the life out of Potter, Draco felt a small hand push him away.

"You two are giving me whiplash with your five-year old tantrums. I'm getting off the train with everyone else before you two destroy the train." Amelia announced, pushing past Potter now and walking away, her hips moving slightly causing Draco to stare after her.

"Stop drooling Malfoy." Potter said, bringing Draco back and causing him to punch the smirk of his face. "Watch it Potter!" Malfoy sneered down at the unconscious boy before storming down the aisle with Goyle and Crabbe close behind.

Draco was well aware that the train could pull out with Potter stuck on board. 'One can only hope', Draco thought, smirking. That would at least make the job he had to do this year a bit easier. Stumbling, Draco shuddered as he remembered when his father and 'friends' assigned him this job. No backing out now, he thought. He had to go through with his job  or face certain death awaiting him at Malfoy Manner

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