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Hey everyone! So this isn't a new chapter *BOOOOO* yeah yeah, I know. I have a bunch of important topics so please read it all so everyone will be happy *YAAYYY*


I am so so sorry that I keep promising updates and nothing has been happening but as you all know, it is the end of the school year and so I am now having AP and Final exams. I put my whole heart into writing these stories, but my school work has to come first. As soon as these exams are over and done with, I will be updating again and most likely more often than before! 

IMPORTANT TOPIC # 2 = Your Awesomeness

Ok I HAD to tell you all that you are all AMAZINGGGG! When I saw how many reads, comments, votes, and fans I have been getting on all of my stories, I was blown away. I would like to give a giant thank you to everyone because it truly means a lot to me that you enjoy my writings. I've said it before and I'll say it a million more times: Without your support I would have given up on this sooo long ago <3 So a big Thank You Awesome People!

IMPORTANT TOPIC # 3 = Watty Awards 2012

So I saw that the Watty Awards for 2012 have begun and I am playing with the idea of entering one or even two of my stories. I have also seen some of the other entries and they are all amazing stories. I am a bit hesitant to join, but I want  to know what YOU think. Should I join? If yes, what story (or stories) should I enter? What categories should they be in? Thank you, I love your feedback and I  think that as the readers, you all should have an input in this.

IMPORTANT TOPIC # 4 = Suggestion for you all

So this past weekend I stumbled upon a website. It is a Role Play website and I looked around and decided to join. If you don't know what role play is, see the next topic. If you do know what role play is, this is the last topic you need to read :) So it is called Canine Conspiracy and the characters you make MUST be dogs, wolves, or some other sort of canine (coyote, ect.) It is a fairly new site and in desperate need of some more members. I am not getting anything for this, but I would like to suggest that you all go and at least check it out. It's free and great practice for writing, exercise for your imagination, and most of al just really fun! The link to it is on my profile in the about me section. Check it out! (PS: my username on the website is Iris in case you want to message me on there!)

Not As Important Topic # 5 = What is Role Playing

I'm not really good at explaining things, but here is what role playing basically is: You create one or more characters and then make stories aka "plots" with your character and other member's characters. It really helps you practice writing and getting to know your characters. Sorry that isn't the best description but if you check out the site I suggested above, you might understand it better :3

Thank you everyone again and happy early summer! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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