I need you -Chapter Three

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Once Joey got home after a long day of playing HungerCraft, he basically skipped through the doors.

"Sawyer?! I'm home!" He yelled, locking the door behind himself as he walked up the stairs. He could hear the shower running in Sawyer's ensuite bathroom.

Joey walked into his room, which was beside Sawyer's, and plopped down on the bed. Where was he going with Sawyer again? To dinner? Joey sighed. He really didn't feel like a fancy dinner. He'd rather go to the movies or something. Joey waited, spread out on his bed, for Sawyer. Once Sawyer knocked on his bedroom door, Joey sat up, making sure his hair looked fine.

"Come in!" He shouted, not being able to hide his huge grin.

"Hey," Sawyer smiled as he walked in.

"Hellooo," Joey giggled cheerfully, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "I was wondering.. Could we go to a movie instead of out to dinner? I just don't feel like that fancy crap right now..."

"Yeah, alright, anything for my Joey." Sawyer smirked, feeling satisfied as Joey turned beet red. Sawyer then turned around and left the room, leaving a red Joey behind. 

Joey slowly stood up, opening his closet.

"At what time are we going?" He yelled down to Sawyer.

"In thirty minutes! Be ready!" Sawyer yelled back.

Joey's eyes widened as he began to panic. Thirty minutes? That was barely any time! Joey threw almost everything out of his closet, digging through everything. He decided on a slightly large grey Jumper, that Sawyer gave him, and some black skinny jeans. He stripped, running to the bathroom. He jumped in the shower, shampooing his hair and washing his body in less than ten minutes. He turned the water off, about to grab the towel, when he realized... HE FORGOT THE TOWEL!

"SHIT!" Joey groaned, pouting to himself.

"SAWYER!!!!!! CAN YOU PLEASE BRING ME A TOWEL?!" Joey screamed, all the neighbors probably hearing it. That's when Joey heard the bathroom door open. Oh shit, did he forget to lock it?

"You didn't have to yell so loudly, but here's your towel." Sawyer smirked, checking out Joey's naked upper body since the bottom half was covered with the shower curtain.

"Gimme my towel!" Joey pouted, blushing at Sawyer's actions. 

"If you want it, you gotta come out here and get it." Sawyer teased, waving it around above him. Joey grunted, climbing out of the shower. He snatched his towel, turned on his heel and dried himself off. When he turned around to put his clothes on, he realized Sawyer was still standing there, watching him, his eyes dark. 

"Sawyer... you're still here?" Joey bit his lip, still blushing furiously because Sawyer basically just saw him naked less than five minutes ago.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. I should ask you the question." Joey looked up at Sawyer.

"I was just looking at how beautiful you are. I can't believe I'm going on a date with the most beautiful man on earth!" He sighed dramatically, doing a little twirl, like one of those sappy princess movies where the princess is obsessing over her prince.

"Oh shut up!" Joey blushed even more. The things this man did to him were undescribable. Now Joey finally understood why he fell in love with Sawyer. Sawyer was caring, sweet, funny, romantic, hot, cute, fun in the bed, and just perfect. 

"C'mon, I'll be waiting in the car. I expect you to be out in ten minutes." Sawyer smiled cheekily, smacking Joey's bare bum before walking out.

Joey now felt like he was on fire. He probably looked like a tomato. He quickly blow dried his hair, styled in and pulled on his clothes before running out to Sawyer's car. He climbed in, grabbing his camera.

"I'm vlogging, okay?" Joey said, not waiting for the answer as he started recording.


Joey: Hello everyone, welcome welcome! *laughs* So once again, like this morning, I am in Sawyer's car, we still haven't made a name for it.

Sawyer: Oh oh oh, guys, if you have name ideas leave them in the comments!

Joey: And do not say Satsuki! *gives warning look*

Sawyer: *laughs* So Joey, where are we headed?

Joey: We are actually headed to a movie right now... sooo...

Sawyer: A scary movie *smirks*

Joey: Wha...? Wait! HOLD THE FUCK ON! I never agreed to that!

Sawyer: Dont worry, I'll keep you safe. *laughs as Joey blushes*

Joey: Anyways, may the odds be ever in your favour, goodbye!!!! *puts hand to camera and stops recording*


Joey laughed as they arrived at the movie theatre. They got the tickets to the movie, Demons inside of me, and they went to the bathroom.

Joey washed his hands, trying to walk out of the bathroom when he slipped... right into Sawyer's arms. Their foreheads bumped and Sawyer's arms instantly travelled around Joey's waist.. and they were both leaning in.

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