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Ryann was in the chapter "date night". She was the girl Rico introduced to King.

I squeezed the pills inside my hand. I looked up at myself in the mirror.

I looked at my face. It had streaks of black eyeliner on the from me crying. My eyes red and my cheeks puffy. My hair crazed, wild and tangled.

I looked fucked up

Because I am fucked up.

And there is no point of me even living anymore. I can't be with my family, I can't be in my home. I tried to pray to God to return me home but he isint listening.

It's been about 5 months I've been stolen from my family. One minute I was on my daily run in my birthplace, Atlanta, and then the next I woke up in a car with duck tape over my mouth and a bad cut above my eyebrow. I remember looking out the window, and passing a sign that said "Welcome to Texas". I cried so hard that day. I sat right in that car and cried my eyes out. Because I knew I had reached the point of no return.

That first day was the day I found out I was kidnapped placed into the Sex Trafficking industry.

Since then I've been drugged and raped a countless number of times.

As of now, it's gotten to the point where I took the drugs willingly, just so I won't think about it. Because if I thought about it, how my baby boy was growing up without his mother, how my husband felt knowing his wife never came home, if my mom is worried sick about me in the nursing home, if she's even ok at that. Thinking about that would drive me insane. To know I would never see the people that I love so much.... I couldint handle that.

I've been sold off to different people around everywhere. So many places I couldint even keep track.

Now, I'm somewhere in California. Now I'm somewhere with this man who demands for me to do the most disturbing tasks to the most disgusting men.

I couldint handle that. So I took the drugs. They made me numb. I couldint feel anything, any pain, any feelings at all.

That's how I like it.

Because lord knows if I think about it, I'll go phsyco.

But I'm off the pills. The man who owns me, Rico, stopped given them to me.

I wasint aware of the withdraws I still have. Everyday I thrown up, felt weaker and worse as the days went on without them.

I feel like he did this on purpose. He knows what he's doing to me. He knows the effects of when your off the pills. Even off the pills he sent the men to me and me to the men. Without it I could feel it. The pain was unbearable. Each time after they finished I looked down at a puddle of blood. I'd past out from the man the night before.

I woke up in the building Rico keeps us in and went to the bathroom. I had been thinking about my baby boy all morning.

I opened the medicine cabinet and squeezed the sleeping pills inside my hand.

Without the drugs I dwell on my family. I can't think about them, I swear I can't take it! Why did God have to do this to me!? Why me!?

I hope they somehow know that I tried my longest to stay strong for them. But I couldint take it anymore.

I silently prayed as I swollowed the pills.

I hope I'll see my baby boy and husband in heaven one day.


Rico just called me up mad as hell talking bout in his workers, Ryann, tried to commit suicide so he wouldn't be coming to the trap meeting today.

That pissed me off because this the most important one we had in a long ass time.

But I understand where he's coming from, Ryann was one of his best workers.

I sat down at the end of the long ass table, my throne.

I cleared my throat and all workers stopped talking immediately.

Just like how I like it.

I smirked and then started the meeting.

"Aight niggas. Yall been grinding hard and long. But it's bout time we venture off to Southside. Atlanta been popping off. Nah dat we made our mark here and took over shit. It's time we start to expand over dere next."

I looked around the table as I received head nodds from all my workers.

Kyla been on my back constantly talking bout how she home sick and can't wait to see her family back in Atlanta. I don't really care to much for down there and there country ass accent irritates the fuck outta me. But I thought it'll be a good idea to expand business out there and if I'm going my workers going too. We'll a few, anyway.

I figured since Rico got his little thing going on with the prostitution or whatever that I'll make my best worker on the streets hold things down out here while I go to the A for a bit.

Green been working for me for me since he was a youngin. He quickly became my fastest and most effective worker selling weed, so I called em Green.

" Green gone hold it down here with half th
e rest of yall while we out for a bit"

"This half of the table..." I pointed to the left side. " We leave out first thing tomorrow."

"Right side yall stay here" I said standing up.

I dapped up Green and whispered to em, " Between now and the time I'm gone, it should be 11 million dollars waiting on me when I get back. Let me find out yo ass slipping up and I'll send somebody to end you and the rest of these niggas lives."

" You understand." I asked standing up.

"Yea Boss, I gotchu" he nodded.

I nodded my head and quickly snatched my gun from my waist, aimed it to my left and shot twice.

"That nigga was stealing from me" I said as I walked out the room. Smiling from the nigga you crazy looks as I walked out.

I chuckled as someone said.

"Man that shit happened so fast. How the fuck he knew where he was aiming at!?"

These niggas know what it is! I don't ask for respect I demand it.

Road to Home part 1 (Urban) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now