Stupid Brad

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[Bazza's POV]

"Alright so remember, I do the talking not you guys." Sean orders in an authoritative tone.
"Why am I here again? I did-"
"Shut the fuck up Elliot!" Both Sean and I screeched in unison.
"We. Don't. Care!" Sean seethed extremely  pissed off.
"Now remember that I do the talking!" Sean growled trying to calm down. Elliot's fave was like a blank slate. His expression horrified yet angry himself.
We both had never seen Sean this angry.
The last 5 minutes were spent in an awkward silence, Sean angry mood leaving the air tight with tension.

After arriving and finding a park, Sean, Elliot and myself stood at Brad's door. Sean tentatively pulled his hand up and knocked the door three times. Then we heard a muffled voice on the other side of the door. It seemed to belong to Vero. An unintelligible mumble comes from the inside and then suddenly the door flings open with a puzzled look on her face. Slowly and awkwardly we walk inside.
Uhhh hey Brad..." I started but was quickly shut off by Sean who was hissing with fury. "Shut it! I'll talk because like we discussed earlier you to are terrible whenever your in this situation!"" Anyways arr, shit Brad, you ok?" Sean asked sounding genuinely worried.
"Yeah I'm alright Brad mumbled, mumbled not looking comfortable in the slightest.
"Now, as I was saying." Sean continued." We came here to apologise. Isn't that right guys." Sean asked looking at myself and Elliot, his eyes lingering on Elliot's for a millisecond longer. "Well act-" Elliot began before being quickly denied yet again by Sean." We don't care that you didn't do anything! Now, Vero we wanted you to have these because we put you under a lot of pressure." I could tell Vero was flustered by our gift, but when Vero received them, the annoyance in Brad's eyes turned in to fiery anger. And I figured Sea could tell as he had started to pick up the pace." Now as I was saying, before Elliot interrupted me, we didn't mean anything to be harmful of mean, but we might've also been a little drunk. Only one or two drinks each but again we're sorry." Saying the last part a little faster than the rest. But Brad picked up on it.
"Did those drinks happen to be my drinks? Brad seethed. Oh oh! I thought, busted!
"Ahh well, yeah, they were..." Sean said a tinge of nervousness could be heard in his voice.
"God fucking damn it!" Was all Brad said. He had a thoughtful look on his face, but it was still ridden by anger and annoyance.
But then all of a sudden, Vero's phone lit up. She quickly pulled it out of her pocket and read the message. She giggled a little bit and I could see Brad's face light up a little. He's in deep...
Vero then showed Brad the message and an evil grin quickly took shape upon his face.
"Oh yeah Bazz, by the way, you gotta pick Dayne up from the airport in 15. We arranged for her to stay at your place. See ya!" He said all sunshine and rainbows like. I felt sick and wheezy. At first I thought he was joking, but he looked dead serious. And he wasn't in the mood for joking about a minute ago.
"Fuck." Was all I said before I disappeared.

I ran, where to I don't know. After about five minutes I stopped. What the fuck do I do!!! Public transport but that'll take 10 minutes to get my place and then I'm outta time. Fuck it.
So I ran and with the little spare change I had I caught a bus back to my house were I quickly jumped in to the car and sped down to the airport.

[Dayne POV]

I got my luggage fairly quickly from the luggage disposal. I was extremely nervous and excited. Bazza was going to pick me up! I internally sigh. He always made me feel bubbly. And I all ways covered it up with my crazy personality, and making Bazz 'triggered'. It helped me feel in control, of Bazz and my feelings for him.
And now, he's going to be the first person I meet in real life from the gang. It going to be great!

All of a sudden my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket to find it was an unknown number. It read:
04--------: hey Dayne its Bazza. Vero gave me your number. Be there in 10
I squealed. Bazza has my number and my heart. Ughhh where'd that sappy romance business come from?
I quickly messaged Bazz back saying:
Dayne: sup meet u at this noodle shop

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