First Impressions

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[Bazza's POV]

I turn into my driveway and slow the car to a stop. It's engine puttering in a worrying manner. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and made my way to my front door. But before I made it all of the way I froze. What am I forget- Shit! I quickly scurry back to the car to see Dayne fast asleep in the passengers seat. A wave of gratefulness yet closely followed by grief washes over me as I realise I have to carry her in. I mean I could wake her... But no. That would just be too mean. But I don't even know how heavy she is! Oh god. This is gonna be tough.
I opened Dayne's door slowly and quietly. I reached in, unsure of how to go about picking her up.
After a minute or two I decided to get on my knees and scoop her up, and then stand up and take her inside too... I don't have a spare bedroom! Uhh. Whatever, I'll just sleep on the couch.
After my mental debate I got down on my knees and put my left hand under her knees and my right hand a bit below her shoulder blades. I then lifted her a few centimetres (an inch) and pulled her against my chest.
My cheeks began to fill with a flustered red and I could feel then heating up. But I swallowed down my feelings and stood up.
I then waddled towards the exit to the parking area and up a short flight of stairs. I shouldered a door that led to to another staircase, but this one several stories tall. I hitched Dayne up a little and I could feel her restlessness as I did so. I then I began the treacherous journey up three flights of stairs. The first flight was hard but I was still kinda comfortable but by the second level I could feel sweat running down my back, and I could only pray that none of it got on Dayne.
An by the third floor my feet where dragging along the ground as I struggled to even lift her anymore.
But ten I noticed my fatal mistake. The door was locked, and the keys were in my pocket. I hitched Dayne up again as I formulated a plan. I decided I would hitch her up on one arm as I would need no longer than half a minute and I couldn't put her down. The tiles would be to hard and cold.
3, 2.... 1!
A small sound escaped my lips as I pulled Dayne up onto one arm, my hand placed under her curvy bum... my arm trailing up her back.
Meanwhile I expertly pulled my keys out of my pocket and in one go plunged them into the key hole. I twisted, pushed and put my keys back into my pocket before taking Dayne on both arms. I quickly pulled my foot around and pushed the door shut behind me with it. I then scurried as softly as I could to my bedroom before gently placing her on my bed.
I'm not a perv so I'm not going to change her into her p- Shit. Her bags are still down stairs.
I pulled her up so her head was on a pillow and took of her shoes an socks before putting the fan on low and pulling the sheets up to her belly button.
But before heading downstairs I stopped and stared stay her. She was so calm peaceful. So tender and loveable. But I quickly shoved this thoughts out of my head before running downstairs three steps at a time.
Once I got downstairs I assed my situation. I was determined to take all four bags up I one go so I decided to put the biggest double strap bag on my back and the smaller on my front. I the took one suitcase in each hand before marching upstairs be barging through my unlocked door. When I reached my bedroom I peaked through to make sure she was asleep before slinking in and putting all of her bags at the end of the bed. I then went to the kitchen and filled up two glasses of water and placed one on the bed side table.
I drank mine and sat down. The reality of today washing over me. Dayne, in MY house for almost a week. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine.
But I wasn't sure what sent the shivers exactly, was it Dayne, or was it that I'm meeting an internet friend in real life.
Or both.
After about an hour of just watching tv and doing my best not to watch Dayne sleep. I caught my self twice in the hour and I know it was creepy but she was so gorgeous and, and succulent.
I had also managed to send Brad a message asking if we were 'all good'. He just sent back a thumbs up so I figured we were good but he was still a little salty. But I understood.
I sat down in the couch wondering of things to do, because I would be impossible for r to sleep knowing that Dayne is the just down the corridor. So I put my self to work, cleaning up although I kind of did when Brad told me to just the other day. I even took the laundry down to the laundromat and hurried home in case Dayne woke up. But when I returned she was still sleeping peacefully. I was relieved to know that she stayed a sleep the whole time and didn't wake up fretting about where she was.
I sat down on the couch yet again, a wave of exhaustion washing over me as I stretched out the over the couch my legs dangling down the side. My eyelids drooping low, my vision hazy. But, but Dayne... Yet I felt my eyelids close and my body relax, the quiet ticking of the clock lulling me in to a very deep sleep.

[Dayne's POV]

I woke up in a soft, comfortable bed, I sit up with a smile on my face, until... I thought I was in his car! Was I kidnapped?! No! Don't be silly, he's probably taken you to his place and... Carried me inside? I could feel my cheeks blushing like crazy. But I still wasn't sure, so I tiptoed out of the bedroom and made my way down a corridor that connected the bedroom with the what I supposed to be the living room. I looked around the corner, the light filtering through an open kitchen and into the living room. Baz? I saw Baz sprawled across the couch, he is way to big for it, his whole legs off the side and his head hanging back. I felt a lite giggle reach my lips as I looked upon baz. I saw stir a little bit but he stayed asleep.
I slinked into the kitchen and searched the went through al of the cupboards in search for something to cook up.
In the cupboard a found just some bread so at least I could make some toast, but in the fridge was were I found what I needed.
I found five leftover eggs and half a packet of bacon slices and butter and some jam.
I instinctively started humming a tune as I whirled around the kitchen, cooking the eggs and bacon with the toast in the toaster.
I was humming away happily as I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see Bazza, his eyes wide and his jaw low as he watched me from the couch.
I felt my cheeks begin to burn and I could see red spreading across Bazza's face as well.
"I uhh, sorry I didn't mean to... Uhhh." Bazza started, looking at the floor.
"Oh no don't worry, I w, I was just getting, umm, some uhh breakfast ready. Do you want some?" I asked, unsure of what to say.
"Uhh sure. It smells great." Bazza stated, a smile creeping across his face.
I walked back into the kitchen where a pair of charcoal black toast stood tall and proud out of the toaster.
"Oh. Uhh well I just gotta-"
"Yeah. Go ahead." Bazza cutting me off. But it didn't piss me off, it made me blush. What is wrong with you! You can't let him do that!
I placed the burnt toast into the bin and whirled over to the toaster, completely forgetting that Bazza was there until I turned around after putting two new pieces of bread in the toaster. I turned to see Bazza sitting back up on the couch his head just above the back of the seat with a grin spread across his face.
I tilted my head at him and he came out of his daze, a heavy red spreading across his cheeks. But I pretend to mind his watching eyes. Because I didn't.
I spread the butter and then the jam over the bread and chucked on some bacon and three eggs on Bazza's plate. I packed up my own and brought them to the couch where Bazza was sitter like a little child receiving a present. Except this child is six foot seven.
The first half of breakfast was spent in a semi-awkward silence only broken by Bazza complimenting my cooking and the clatter of his knife and fork once he finished.
I was picking at my food, not all that hungry when I noticed Bazza eyeing my food.
"Do you want it?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh, I ahhh. Are you sure you don't won't it?" Bazza asked, clearly wanting it.
"No, no. I'm sure." I answered seeing his face light up. I placed my half eaten eggs and bacon on his lap and Bazza jumped in, demolishing what was left.
We then sat in an awkward silence.
"Hey. Umm. Sorry for falling asleep in your car and thanks for carrying me up and all..." I blurted, breaking the silence.
"Oh no it uhh. It was fine. And thanks for breakfasts, I was going to make something but I don't know what."
Bazza replied sheepishly.
"Are you sure your fine with sleeping on the couch? I mean, you are about twice the size of it." I stated feeling my cheeks heated at the thought of what I was going to do.
"Oh no it fine don't worry about it. I, I'm sure I'll be alright." Bazza said, not making eye contact.
"Ahh well I mean you could sleep with me... Nothing more!" I blurted out, my cheeks burning.
After a moment, Bazza replied." Ahhh, yeah sure. I guess... I ahh, yeah..." I was completely blown away. I assumed Bazza would seem disgusted and say no for sure but him saying yes. I wasn't sure wether it mess I good idea or not. I just figured he would say no, but know that he said yes I'm really not sure.
But it's too late for that now.
"Alright, umm. I'm gonna go get some groceries. I won't be long ok?" Bazza asked, sounding a little nervous.
"Uhh, yeah sure. Ok." I replied.
"Alright. Bye!" Bazza yelled as he scooped up his keys and ran out the door.
Well, that was... Awkward.
But then my thoughts were interrupted by my phone.
I reached over to pick it up and saw it was Vero. I quickly swiped across and entered my phone to see her message, it read.
Vero: Hey I'm coming over, I need someone to talk to. Sorry, just a little stressed. Is Bazz home?
And I replied with...
Dayne: Yes! Pls do. I know how you feel. Bazza just left btw.
Vero: see you in 15
I put my phone down.
So obviously not everything has been going smoothly for them either.
I know it's not a good thing but I couldn't help feeling a little bit happy, because I want the only one that was awkward and stuffed up all of the time.
It gonna be good to get some weight off my shoulders...

A/N: Hey guys! I really do hope you enjoyed and thanks for the support in the comments!
Much love <3

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