Chapter 3

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We woke up and me and Paige got dressed and went into the kitchen . It was kinda early so we was the only ones in there . " I wonder if anyone is up"  I said " Mr. stark is up , Miss Rogers " a jumped and said thank u Jarvis . It was like 7 in the morning and we found tony ." Why y'all up so early ?" Asked tony " well we always got up this early at the orphanage so it's just routine I guess " said Paige  " we sat there talking to tony and watching him work on one of his suits wen all of the sudden he said " do y'all wanna go do something "said tony sure I said " ok well y'all wanna something fun" me and Paige looked at each other and said sure in unison " how about we go scare your dad awake " he said me and Paige was like toatally . So we went up stairs and went into his room and got his phone and found a alarm that sounds like a blow horn so we got ready  and turned the volume up and played it and dad woke up and fell out of the bed and we started laughing . By the time we went to the kitchen everyone was up and we started talking about how we pranked dad . We was talking wen all of the sudden Jarvis said " Captain Rogers, Director fury has requested to speak with you, it is urgent." So dad left  and we was there with the rest of the avengers and we all started talking and Loki came up behind Thor and I and said " why hello brother "  brother what are you doing here" said Thor " well I was wanting find out about the realm called tumblr I think and fangirl." I got up and went and hugged Loki " that's what fangirls are " said Clint " hello aren't u the captain daughter " why yes I am , my name is Riley Rogers " " well I am Loki of-" "Asgard " I finished for him " and also tumblr is a site in your phone or a app that u can get and fans of a person will put memes , photos , and everything on a site and get likes , like there r fan girls for your and all of the avengers " I said while pulling up tumblr on my phone " see here is one of you " Loki took my phone and started scrolling " hey what thorki it sound like my name and Thor's " no don't -"
Loki handed me back the phone and I fished " look at that it creepy " Loki had a wierded out expression on his face and said " I will never do that agian , good bye I have found all I wanted to find " and he left " at least dad hasn't seen stucky or any-" what stucky "my dad asked aiming into the room "kill me" I said under my breath " trust me dad u do not want to know " yea sure I do what is it " " ok I said " I  showed him " why did I ask " he said . " sorry cap but u got a Loki fangirl on your hands " said Clint " oh god wich one " he said smiling at me and Paige and Paige pointed at me and my dad just smiled and rolled his eyes . " so what did fury want " said Sam " he was telling me that " dad had tears well up in his eyes " that Mavis Rogers isn't dead" he started smiling " I stood up and me and Paige both said " MOM is alive"

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