Inside the belly of the beast

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I sat below
A grand willow
Wondering why
Their was a tree
Inside a dragon
But that was unimportant
I needed to get out
I needed to kill
This dragon
And I would do it from
The inside out
My gaze traveled
Past bright flowers
Past frolicking deer
Past a princely horse
Past trickling streams
Stop, wait a second
Stream, flowers, deer,
I jumped to my feet
And ran to my horse
Prancer didn't abandon me
He was just eaten
I hugged prancer
I mounted my pony
And we pranced
Through the dragon
We passed trees
And animals
And grass
And streams
And rocks
All in the belly of a beast
Nothing that could help
But wait
A cabin
Someone else might
Be in the dragon
What else could build
Such a thing
I tied Prancer to a tree
Knocked on the door
Who might open it
I waited
And waited
Any second now
And waited
But no one answered
I peaked over a window sill
No one was inside
I saw a bed
Covered in hides and furs
Wooden plates and bowls
And forks and spoons
Dried herbs and flowers
Hung on the walls
I opened the door
It was not locked
I sat down on the bed
And wondered
What happened
To the person who built
This cabin
Were they dead
Or out on a stroll
I waited
And waited
The light outside
Began to fade
But no one returned
I laid down on the bed
I felt something
Hard under my head
I reached over
And pulled away
A small leather bound book
I opened it
And began to read

Haphazard love, and a dragonWhere stories live. Discover now