She Set Them On Fire

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     I looked at my surroundings, confused. Where was I? The last thing I remember I was in the car.

     The sky was painted scarlet, with bright yellow birds flying around. The birds had flaming tails and wings. I blinked.

      "Fire?" I muttered to myself, slapping a hand to my head. Has to be a dream, I thought. I sat up, running a hand through my long red hair. The long grass was dry and yellow, and the dirt was hard crumbly.

     I started walking down the dirt road, no intent of going anywhere. But like always, when you start to walk down a path, you tend to end up somewhere.

     People over flooded the market place, with hair shades like light yellow to dark red. The most common hair color was orange, while the dark red hair color was the most rare. I only saw one person with dark red hair, excluding me.

     I tried to ask them where I was, but it didn't work. They all ignored me like I wasn't there.

     They all rushed towards one direction, carrying me along with the flow. The crowd reached a great big marble building. Marble was everywhere. Marble pillars, marble walls, the whole shebang. Not to mention the building was huge.

     The woman with the dark red hair stood on the steps. Somehow I knew she was a very important and authoritative person. She had a certain type of grace. She seemed so familiar, though.

     She was dressed in a shimmering red dress that cut off around the knees. It wasn't a party dress, but a nice beautiful flowy dress. She stood at the pedestal, waiting for everybody to quiet down. When they did, she spoke.

     "Mi populo celebratis reditu nostro princeps!" She said in a loud, smooth voice. The crowd cheered loudly, stomping on the red flower petals flung on the ground. More flower petals fell from the sky, and I caught one. I felt the silky texture, and inhaled the scent. It was a perfume-like sweet. The smell of the flower petals hung in the air, making everything smell like the peculiar scent.

     She spoke again, this time in English. "Pyro, love, welcome home." The crowd cheered wildly, and made a path way for me to walk up to the pedestal, and claim the crown which she presented. It was beautiful. It was made out of green vines with the scarlet flowers growing out, almost glowing, with gold intertwined along with it, with it's own flowers made out of dark blood red gemstones seemingly 'growing' out of the gold vines also. Everything was glowing, and seemed very magical. But I didn't bother moving. My head was spinning with questions.

     The first thing I said was, "This isn't my home. I live in Florida, not this weird place! What's up with all this? I-I don't understand anything that's going on. I need some explanations! And where the hell am I? And how do you know my name?" The questions poured out of me. I was so confused. I continued to rant.

     "And why is that crown glowing? I mean, what's up with that? And also, how'd I get here? I was in the car, going to the lava lake, when I fell asleep, and I woke up here! Where's my dad? Did you guys take him? Oh God, he's dead, isn't he?!" I ran a hand through my scarlet hair, furrowing my eyebrows. The woman chuckled.

     "All of your questions will be answered, my child, as long as you put on this crown. It will not tell you, but instead, it will show you. Come, Pyro. Put on the crown, Pyro." Her voice had some kind of spell on me. It made me slightly drowsy. Slowly, I walked up the steps, and placed the crown on my head. The last thing I heard was the crowd cheering even louder than before.

     "All your questions will be answered, Pyro." I heard her whisper into my ear.

      I was in dreamland. That was the best way to describe it. It was a haze. Everything was blurry, but still clear enough. I was in the Jeep with my dad. I was watching myself sleep. It was like being in third person. Like I was a person watching a movie. The lava lake appeared into view, and my dad parked. He lifted me up from the seat, glancing at me with a sad smile. He carried me to the lava lake. He went so close. He was only a few feet away from lava now. He let out a small puff, and heaved me into the lava lake. I tried to scream, but I couldn't make any noise. As soon as he dropped me into the lava lake, the scene changed.

     It was my father. He seemed so young. His dull brown hair was now a bright red again. He was seated at a throne. The same woman was seated next to him. They were both beaming at eachother, with their hands entertwined. A man presented the same crown that was just perched onto my head, and then set it on her head. She let out a laugh when my father said something to her. A more manlier version of the crown was placed on his head, and the crowd jumped up and down, making inaudible cheering sounds and red petals rained down harder than before. Again, the scene changed.

     My father was holding the woman's hand. She was screaming and crying. Now, before you mistake this scene, I'll just save you the gory details and tell you that she was pregnant, and she just gave birth to a baby.

     Another scene flashed, and I was in a nicely furnished room this time. My father and the woman were playing with a toddler with shoulder length curly red hair. She was dressed in typical toddler clothes. They seemed so cheerful, so happy. When I finally got a look at the baby's face, I saw that she looked like...


Ah, okay, I understand this is really short, and it was kind of boring, but please, bear with it! I want your guys' feedback. Too rushed? It was spectacular? I'm not a great writer, but I want to improve, so guys, please, comment! And if you like it, vote! And if I get good feedback, I'll try to update soon.

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