Chapter 5

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(Killian's POV)

I pull up to Emma's house a few minutes early, but figure it's better than being late. I ponder waiting in the car until it's officially 9:00, but decide against it. I knock on her door, and wait for it to open. When it does, it's not Emma, but her roommate Ashley on the other side. My jaw drops, as I struggle to explain why her old math teacher is knocking on her door. Before I can conjure up anything to say she looks back into the apartment.

"He's here!" she yells to Emma. She turns back to me, and we share an awkward smile. "Hi Mr. Jones, come in. Emma's just finishing up," she gestures me inside.

"Ugh please, call me Killian love," I tell her awkwardly as I walk through the door. I should have waited until 9.

"Ok. How's Storybrooke doing...Killian? I haven't been since I moved," she makes light conversation.

"I can't say much has changed," I answer. There's a cloud of awkwardness between us. I don't know what she knows about Emma and I, or why she would know about us at all. "How's motherhood treating you?" I ask, hoping that the conversation will be steered away from me. The tactic works as Ashley gushes about the joys of having a daughter until Emma emerges from her room.

"Hi, sorry to keep you waiting. I forgot about you always being early," she smiles, and I can't help but smile back.

"It's no problem love,"

"Ok, bye Ash. I have work at 11:00 so I probably won't be back until after my shift," Emma informs her as she gets her shoes on.

"Ok, see you later," Ashley calls from the kitchen as we walk out the door.

"So I'm guessing you told Ashley about us," I say once the door's closed. Her mouth drops in realization.

"Yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you that. She's known for years, it just slipped my mind," she answers. "Ready to go?" she asks trying to brush past it. I halt her.

"Wait, years? Emma how many people did you tell? You realize I could still get into a lot of trouble for what we were," I stress.

"Of course I know that Killian. I trusted her, calm down,"

"When did you tell her? It wasn't while we were together was it?" I ask. She rolls her eyes.

"No, it was during a visit to Storybrooke, months after we broke up. I trust her Killian, if I didn't I would never have told her. And since you're still a free man, and had no idea anyone knew about it I'd say she kept the secret pretty well."

"She's only person you told?"

"I don't just go around telling people Killian. I don't like to talk about it. Why would I, it's just a story of me getting my heart broken. It's not a story I like to tell. 'The girl who sleeps with her teacher' isn't exactly a title you want following you around."

"Aye, I'm sorry love, you just had me worried there for a second," I apologize. "Let's change the subject. You said you worked." We start walking again.

"Yes, at a little flower shop in town, Game Of Thorns," she answers.

"You're kidding me," I say shocked. She can't be serious. What are the chances?

"Ok, I know it's not the most impressive job, but it pays the bills with the hours I get there," she justifies. I shake my head.

"No, it's not that. It's just the shop, do you know who it's owned by?" I ask.

"Of course, I'm the only other employee. You know Moe French?" she asks.

"Aye, he's Belle, Gold's wife's father."

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