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Wouldn't any girl just love to be serenaded by your favorite band or singer ? Yes of course .

But not me . Definitely not me . I would be frozen in shock . Having no idea what to do , I would look like a total fool . I would cry and die , I definitely couldn't handle being touched by my favorite band .

I always dream to go to a meet and greet and see my most favorite people in the world  . But then, I realize that I would look like the stupidest person in the whole entire world . So then I don't bother . I always ruin my dreams.

Hannah Porter
Dark brown curly hair that ends right below her boobs .
Not the best looking , has acne , slightly over weight

Always wears shirts that are a size to big and either black or blue ripped jeans .

Not confident at all
Indents in legs
Has dark circles
Minimum of 12 friends
Three best friends she can tell anything to

From mobile , Alabama
Wants to travel around the states and go to Canada ,England , Germany , and Ireland

Hopelessly in love with Sean cavaliere

Sean cavaliere
Brown hair that is in a quiff style
Always wears ripped black jeans , adidas , and a tee shirt

Has bunches of friends
Has a bunch of siblings
From Miami , FL

Travels with his band mates / best friends

"Hannah what does that word mean  ? " my Spanish teacher asked me

"Um festejar means to feast to entertain to celebrate "I said looking down at my notes

"Muy bein" she said . I really hate Spanish . I always wanted to learn german , but when I try I can never say it and memorize it . But thats at home .

At school they don't have a german foreign language  option . We can only take Spanish or French.

"You almost just completely embarrassed yourself in front of you know who " my best friend Abby said

"Abigail shut up " I said nudging her side . She is talking about my classmate who I might have a small crush on .

"Aww we all know you like Jonathan . Young love " she said

"Abigail I'm going to make sure you and Anthony go on a date if you don't shut up " I said . Anthony is another classmate and he is white with orange hair and a total dick . Also known as alfredo because this girl couldn't remember his name and they closest thing she could think of was alfredo . Yeah I'm pretty dumb .

"Hannah , Abigail do I need go separate you two?" The teacher asked

"No mam "I said . Thankfully the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat ready to get out of this horrible class . I got to my locker and saw a red headed boy standing by my locker facing me . I got my books so my next class and turned to the boy .

"Anthony , get away from me "

"Aww but why turtle ?" He taunted me . When we were in six grade I had a crush in his best friend . It was a very small small small crush . But this girl that I knew just had to tell Anthony and Anthony said that mason said I looked like a turtle , so the name stuck.

"Oh my god , get over that already "I said turning in my heel going in the direction to maths .

"Anthony just leave " my best friend Tatiana said . When we were younger he did some bad things to us , so that's why we act short with him .

"Take the damn hint kid , we don't like you , so get you crusty ass where you came from which is right there " my other best friend -Emily said pointing to the trash can

"Alfredo leave and go to fucking China that why we won't see your ugly ass " Abby said . We all walked into maths and sat down in our seat . I was at the top left , Abby was behind me , my crush Jonathan was beside me and Emily was behind him and Tatiana was behind her . I set my stuff down and pulled out my homework from the previous night .

"Hey hannah did you hear about the artic lights tour ?" Abby asked

"More than likely "I said turning around and facing her .

"Well did you know that new district had to get off of the tour " Emily said l

"Yeah that made me really sad " I said

"Did you know that they're coming to Memphis ?"Tatiana said . My eyes got big and my heat beat sped up .

"They are ?" I asked

"Yeah you didn't know ?" Emily said

"Obviously " I pulled out my phone and quickly texted my mom

Hannah- momma new district are coming to Memphis can we go?!?

Momma💞- find out where it is and how much the tickets are

Hannah- ok

I looked it up and tried to look for it in every website and I couldn't find it .

"Do y'all know the tickets and where it is ?" I asked

"No I tried to find it and I couldn't " Tatiana said

"Hannah your birthday is coming up soon , what do you want ?" Abby asked

"I don't know um a drawing pad and money " I said

"That's all ?" Jonathan asked

"Yes yes it is " I said , then the teacher came in and started the lesson

So I didn't like how the original one was like I left out a lot of thighs and I was able to add them so I just decided to write it again but different

All because of a serenade (new district)Where stories live. Discover now