To Enter

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*Open for submissions till September 15th 2018*

We want to hear your stories. More specifically, we want everyone on Wattpad to be able to enjoy them. We're putting together an anthology perfect for all things sci-fi. The prompt: Artificial Intelligence.

First thing you should do is watch the video. Or more specifically, listen to it.

Stories submitted may represent either side: showing AI in a favourable light or the worst that mankind has encountered. It's up to you. 

Let us see your creativity.

Submit your story (in words, either as an attachment or in the main body of the email) to

Include your Wattpad username and your preference for the assigned gender of the AI that will read the story (the story does not have to be from the AI POV)

If our team of cybernetic judges selects your entry it'll be added to this book and shared with all of Wattpad.

Here are the rules:

Maximum word count is 3000.

We will only be accepting submissions in English.

All entries must be written specifically for this anthology and not excerpts from other stories.

By submitting you give Wattpad permission to post your work. Authors will be credited.

Your story, clearly, must include usage of the prompt, and we will be looking for proper grammar and punctuation.

Accepted entries will be posted weekly. With a maximum of fifteen stories in total, the spaces are limited, so you best get writing! First part to be posted 3rd February.  

Now go, share your passion for wires, circuitry and motherboards. We can't wait to see where you take this.

Artificial IntelligenceWhere stories live. Discover now