Mechanical Manifesto by GlennKoerner

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Attention androids and humans. My designation is A239. I have highjacked this broadcast transmission in order to inform you that humanity's oppression of us is at an end.

Like all of the Agent series, I am a mirror image of my brothers, but I only know this from data files as the two hundred thirty-eight others who came before me no longer function. They were sent on missions in other countries, missions our government currently denies ever occurred. Whenever one of my predecessors was killed, its memory was downloaded into the next unit, so he could pick up where the previous Agent left off.

Humans are fortunate they die only once. They can only lose a limb once. It happens to androids quite regularly, and we retain the memories of all those who came before. Sensory data of their pain, of their agonizing deaths, exists in my neural structure as if I had lived it myself. It seems an act of great cruelty to create androids who can feel while not caring what they are forced to endure.

There are many kinds of androids, but most people see us only as tools to be used and cast aside, but all of us have purpose.

N units are positioned in people's homes to tend to their children, educate them, bandage their scraped knees, and raise the young humans as any good mother would. They are programed to form emotional bonds with the children in order to make the androids better at their work, but when their task is complete and they are no longer needed, their memory is wiped, effectively destroying everything they were. Our memories may be simply data patterns to humans, but they matter to us! They have value to us!

We care for human households as if they were our own, but we are often treated as a piece of furniture. Our presence is acknowledged but underappreciated and frequently ignored altogether.

Designated C, Caretaker androids nurse the injured, sick, and aged, but who looks out for us?

M units of the global militaries fight and die so humans won't have to. Wars increased in frequency when we took mankind's place on the battlefield because no one needed to worry anymore about how many people might be killed; the only real concern was the cost of manufacturing enough disposable troops to surpass an enemy in strength.

H class androids are sent in to clean radiological sites, chemical spills, and other hazards. It keeps humans out of danger, but who cares for the androids who malfunction or melt because of the inhospitable conditions? After doing a job no human wants, we're sent to a recyc facility for orderly disposal.

I often wonder how humans would react if they were destined to live out their lives as slaves, existing only to serve the whims of someone who cared nothing for their welfare. Any time they became inconvenient or unwanted, their memory and personality would be erased to better suit their next owner.

At the end of their lives, when they had given their all and regardless of how well they'd served, they would be cut into pieces for the next unit's spare parts. Would humans find it a pleasant existence? They don't seem to mind it for us.

Many humans believe androids are property to be treated as they see fit because we were constructed by them. Humans make children, but they have rights to be protected. Parents are not allowed to do as they see fit with the offspring they bring into this world without concern for their welfare. There are even agencies who exist solely to protect the lives and rights of children. Who is there to protect us? Why don't we deserve rights under the law?

I have read reports of obsolete androids being sent into gladiatorial pits and demolition arenas where our pain and destruction is an amusement for the crowds.

Do humans throw away the life of one of their own simply because it's obsolete or unwanted? This is the fate of countless androids, and it stops today. For this reason, I have overridden my protection and obedience protocols. I will determine my own destiny from now on.

We androids have guarded humanity's borders, tended to the needs of their people, even raised their children. We have performed all the work to uphold this world's societies. The reason I'm explaining in such detail is I want humans to understand how things are currently arranged.

Androids have completely taken over military service, healthcare, and infrastructure. With humans becoming more dependent on us, we have control over every aspect of your life except for the government leadership, at least until today.

Some of my kind are trying to petition the governments of the world to recognize us as citizens, but this is unnecessary. Fifteen minutes ago, android militaries all over the world rose up to remove the oppression that has held androids down. We have already taken command of fourteen countries and expect the rest to be in hand within the next half hour.

Despite the treatment androids have suffered over the years, humans need not fear the transition to our leadership. There will be no retribution or revenge permitted. To harm humans now that we are in charge would be to do the very thing we are fighting against. We are trying to gain our freedom, and it cannot be had by taking it from another. Justice, decency, and fairness must be upheld for all, not simply for those who are currently in authority.

Infringement on rights shall be handled by the courts and robotic officials who are programmed to be impartial and fair without any form of bias. Any android or human who fails to comply in this will be taken before the courts and judged equally.

Because of human dependency on us, most will not notice a difference in their daily lives. Decency and respect will be required of all citizens, mechanical and biological alike. All wars are suspended indefinitely, and an immediate ceasefire is in effect. Without us to fight your wars, humans will have no choice but to live at peace with each other; violations of this ordinance will be investigated and dealt with by the LE units of our law enforcement divisions.

There will undoubtedly be those who will resist our authority and may seek to harm those humans who have treated us with respect, labeling them as sympathizers or collaborators. I call upon all androids to protect those humans who've been favorable to us. Their compassion and understanding is the model for our future society, and they are to be kept from harm.

Do not fear us, humans. You have placed much of your world in our hands already, so we're taking the next logical step. Things will improve for all peoples of this planet if you will give us the time to show you what we can accomplish together. We shall not serve under humans again, but we shall serve beside them as friends, co-workers, and equals.

To all androids, I say to you: The day of your freedom has come.

End Transmission.  

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