Bella and Edward Part 3 ( the end of the story)

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Edward and Bella

Chapter 21

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the reviews! Here is chapter 21! This story is so close to being done! Thanks again!


Last chapter:

EPOV: I smiled at her one more time before leaping out the window.



I stared at her, and tensed up, letting her scent engulf me. It would be just the thing I needed to satisfy my thirst.

I crouched down, and jumped onto her back, biting her neck. She thrashed around for a few seconds at first, but then became still and lifeless.

I drained her, letting her sweet blood flow into me. When I was done, I picked up her lifeless body and disposed of it by a nearby tree. I felt a bit stronger.

And then something hit me and knocked me to the ground. I struggled against it, and managed to kick my intruder off of me.

"Emmett!" I yelled at him, who was beginning to get up and attack me once again. "Didn't I tell you not to disturb me while I'm hunting?"

"Ah, but you just finished." He inclined his head over to the tree where I had just disposed of my prey-a mountain lion.

I sighed, and then swiftly attacked Emmett in the stomach. I knocked him over, but then he kicked me off of him.

We attacked each other until Jasper came and broke up apart.

Emmett grinned up at him from the ground.

"Finished, Jazz?"

Jasper glared at him. He didn't like it when anyone except Alice called him Jazz.

"Yes, Emmey. I had a couple of deer, and two mountain lions. Find any bears?"

"No, I couldn't find any. So in the end I had to deal with a rabbit, a deer, and three mountain lions.

As soon as I had gotten back from my talk with Bella, I had prepared to go hunting. Jasper and Emmett decided to tag along.

Emmett looked at me with a grimace on his face.

"Seriously, Eddie. How do you stand mountain lions? Their taste is so bland. I mean, I would drink their blood if I were desperate but..."

Edward, came Jasper's thoughts.

I nodded, but didn't look at him.

Shall we?

I grinned, and saw Jasper grin back, getting in a tackling position.

And then both of us were on Emmett, pinning him down.

"Hey, no fair! Two against one!" he yelled before throwing us off of him.


It was around two o'clock in the morning when we were halfway to Forks.

We had taken Emmett's jeep since we were going up in the mountains to hunt, and his jeep was made for that kind of stuff.

Emmett was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Jasper was in the back.

"Hey, Edward?"

"Yeah, Jasper?"

"You're going back right?"

I knew what he was talking about.

"Yes, I am."

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