An Innovation

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I take back everything I said in the first part! I wanna update and make sure I'm not just making the books and gets something up for once instead of having my books sitting there and you not knowing why its there in the first place! So I have tabs or different things and I have the first episode up and I'm watching and listening carefully to make sure I have all the little itty bitty details added into this! now (YN) will stand for your name and I will add more if I think of others! now enough of reading this, that is if you read it, and on to reading the story! also, P.s Joey will not be gay in this (but I love Joey and Daniel being together) and you will be his girlfriend who is still in the modern world.

#Joey's POV#

I started having dreams...

About a house, a house that was built without hands...

And then one day I received a letter, and it became mine...

LIFE had been breathed into a fantasy...

But now, it won't let me sleep, until I invite others... 

#Third Person#

'To my steam friends, I have required an elections estate through the death of a distant relative who I have never met, I thought it only fitting if I invite you all to attend a dinner party on its grounds'.

The women walked up to the door and knocked, a man answered and she spoke to him holding up something.

"Telegram for Mr. Delaghetto" he stared at the invite and snatched it from her asking, "Am I in sued?"

"It will surely be a night to remember, however, the estate if quite peculiar and only exists in the year 1920" Spoke Justian reading party of the invite.

"To enter its grounds you must be dressed entirely clothed of that era if you are carrying anything from the modern world the house will simply never appear for you?" Rolling off of the man's tongue more as a question to himself.

"And not only your clothing but your attitude must reflect the time, I have included your unease characteristics on the back of this invitation. My driver will pick you up and take you on a road that can only be driven by his mysteries time traveling automobile and then, almost like magic the place will appear" Joey had finished speaking.

moving to the view outside of the mansion jogged down the butler and opened the door for the person yet to come out. As the guests walked in they all introduced them selfs.

"My name is Shane and, I'm the Renegade".

"I'm Ava and my character is,  the Journalist".

"My name is GloZell and I am the Jazz Singer".

"I'm Olie White and I am, the Big Game Hunter".

"My name is Justine, and I am the Gambler".

"My name is Andrea and I'm kinda like a Fixer".

"My name is Matt, I am called  Professor".

 "I'm Sierra and I'm an Heiress".

"My name is Lele pons, and I am a Hustler".

"My name is Timothy Delaghetto and I'm the Mobster".

"My name is (YN) and I'm the Actress".

#(YN) POV#

while we all chatted Matt asked us all if we had any mints, I mean like Matt. Who have mints here in the 1920's? while we were chatting someone had yelled out over all of us and my eyes widened as he looked at me straight in the eye smiling and then looked around looking at everyone else.

[Discontinued] Escape The Night | Joey Graceffa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now