Hidden Power Realesed Saga

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15 years after the destruction of his home planet which was destroyed in a chain reaction to the planet Vegeta's destruction Xeno now lives on planet Earth among another Saiyan, Goku, its this year of the World Tournament were Xeno enters as a contender to test his fighting skills against other fighters and Goku.

"Hay ya ya ya ya!" Goku does a rush of punches on Yamcha, "Wow this fighter is going all out here folks!" The announcer says as he keeps his distance as Yamtcha does his Kamehameha and misses Goku by inches, "Wow Yamtcha you got stronger." Goku says as he instant transmissions in front of Yamtcha and kicks him into the air. "Well i have been training Goku. Kamehameha!" A blue energy wave heads straight down onto Goku. "Oh, that's got hurt!" Says the announcer as the arena is filled with a huge dust cloud. "Ha take that Goku!" Yamtcha yells looking down onto the arena, "Kiaoken x4!" A red aura appears in the dust cloud, "No-no way." The dust clears as Yamtcha sees Goku in a red aura charging his power level. "This must be some kind of transformation folks! I never saw something like this in all my years as an announcer!" Goku then flies up punching Yamcha then flies behind him and kicks him in the back then flies to his side and knees him in his side over and over again in quick session. "Wow dad is very fast." Says Gohan in the stand with the spectators, "Well i just don't hope he uses it on me." Says Xeno sitting next to Gohan and Chichi. A loud bang is heard as Goku punches Yamcha to the ground making a crater in the arena floor, "Its all over folks its all over Yamcha is down and Goku is the winner! He moves on to the next match!" The stands cheer loudly for Goku as Xeno looks over the stands "Wow that was fast, it was like a two minute fight." Goku walks out of the arena, "Goku moves on to the 5th and final match today in the World Tournament! The final match today is a two on two fight between Vegeta and Trunks versus Goku and any fighter of his choosing!" The stadium becomes empty as every one leaves to wait for the next match, Xeno, ChiChi and Gohan meet Goku outside the tournament stadium. "Daddy!" Gohan jumps on Goku giving him a hug, "That was great Goku!" Said ChiChi kissing Goku on the cheek, "What did you think of the match Xeno?" Goku askes looking at Xeno, "Well... it was fast, but don't you think you're pushing it a bit?" "What do you mean Xeno?" Gohan and ChiChi looks at Xeno, "King Kai said you shouldn't use Kioken when your at full power, or time it to a level higher then 2, it puts to much strain on your body and your ki." Gohan and ChiChi looks back at Goku. "He has a point Goku." Says ChiChi, Goku looks at ChiChi then to Gohan then to Xeno, "Huh? You guys really think i am pushing it to much?" They all nod and say "Yes." Goku puts Gohan down and holds his hand, "Well okay, i will stop using Kioken okay, but Xeno i want to ask you something." "Yeah?" Xeno looks at Goku, "I want you to fight alongside me against Vegeta and Trunks." Xeno looks at Goku surprised, "Wait what? Your serious? You want me to fight alongside you Goku?" Goku nods, "Yes, i want to see what you can do in a real fight. After all i would like to see what a half saiyen half alien can do." Goku smiles. Xeno smiles and nods, "Yeah sure, i will fight with you Goku." Goku puts Gohan down and walks to Xeno, Goku then throws a punch at Xeno but he catches Goku's fist in his hand, "Hehe Xeno your just as fast as me, when i did this to Vegeta i punched him in his chest." Xeno lets go of Goku's fist and smiles. "Alright its time for the 5th and final match of today folks, its Vegeta and Trunks versus Goku and a fighter of his choosing, all fighters please enter the arena!" "Guess we should go then Xeno." "Yeah lets go Goku." Goku and Xeno walk into the arena. "Alright lets get this match started!" Vegeta and Trunks stand on the one end of the arena as Goku walks in, "Lets see who Goku has chosen to fight alongside him in this final match!" Xeno walks out and stands next to Goku, "Well this is a surprise, its seems Goku has chosen Xeno to fight alongside him, this will be a battle for the ages folks!" Vegeta looks at Xeno then at Goku, "Your going down Kakarot!" "Its just a tournament Vegeta lets just have fun okay." "Hmmff!" It goes quite in the arena, Trunks looks at Xeno, "You okay there Xeno?" "Yeah i am okay, how about you Trunks?" "Pretty good, i never thought we would fight each other like this huh?" "Well, at least it isn't a sparring match." The announcer stands up from his desk, "Alright folks lets start the match!" A bell rings and the four fighters rush to each other, Vegeta manages to connect a punch on Goku making him fly backwards following him, Trunks swings his sword at Xeno but Xeno side steps his attack, "Wha-what?" Xeno kicks Trunks in his back making him skid on the ground, Xeno looks up seeing Goku and Vegeta fight in the air exchanging punches, "Well looks like we got the ground to ourselves." Says Xeno. "Right Trunks?" Xeno turns to face Trunks as Trunks punches Xeno in his chest pushing him to the ground, "I will take that as a-okay." Xeno anchors himself after the punch and charges his energy creating a blue aura around him as he rushes towards Trunks hailing him with punches, "Ha ha ha ha ha Nha!!" Xeno kicks Trunks to the side as he flies behind Trunks in midair hitting into the ground, "Come on Trunks." In the stands Gohan and ChiChi are watching the match, "Wow! Xeno is strong he kicked Trunks ones and he was flying!" "Hmmm." "Mom? What is it?" "Gohan something is wrong, i saw Trunks fight before but its like he isn't trying." "Huh? You mean there is something wrong mommy? " Just then Goku is kicked to the ground making a crater in front of Xeno, "Goku!" Xeno looks up at Vegeta, "Right!" Xeno puts his hands on his hip, "Eat this Vegeta! Stardust Burst!" Xeno pushes his arms forward as a wave of glittering purple energy move towards Vegeta, "What-what is this?" Trunks fly in front of Vegeta taking a hit from the attack as it explodes as soon as it touches Trunks. Trunks fall to the ground, "Aang! Good hit Xeno." Said Goku as he gets up from the crater, "I was aiming at Vegeta." Xeno says looking at Trunks on the ground with steam coming of him. "Wow i never saw an attack like that before!" Said the announcer, "Goku something is really wrong here." "What do you mean Xeno?" "Trunks just blocked that attack with his whole body, Vegeta must be planning something." "Well if he is planning something it better be fun." Xeno looks at Goku smiling after saying what he did, "Goku this isn't the time to play around, we need to win and quick!" Goku looks at Xeno, "Right! Kaioken!" Goku turns red and with superspeed, he rushes to Vegeta hailing him with punches, "Goku!" Trunks fly behind Goku holding him in a full nelson grip. "Now, dad!" Trunks yell to Vegeta, "Don't tell me what to do boy!" Vegeta holds his hand on Goku's chest, "Big Bang Attack!" A white sphere forms around Goku, Vegeta throws the sphere into the air as Trunks flies up with it, "Dad!" "Goku!" Gohan and ChiChi yelling from the stands. Trunks throw the sphere back at Vegeta as he does his Galic Gun hitting the sphere causing it to explode. Goku flies out of the arena on the ground making a crater with him in it, "Hahaha how do you like that move Kakarot?!" "Oh ring out! Goku has been eliminated from the match now its only Xeno against Trunks and Vegeta!" Xeno looks at Goku getting out of the crater with blood running down his mouth, "I knew you were planning something!" "Trunks, take care of this half breed." Trunks fly towards Xeno, "Not this time Trunks." Xeno charges his energy just as Trunks gets close to him he kicks Trunks away out off the arena into the wall. "Whoa, how did that happen?! He just kicked Trunks once and he is out!" Gohan looks at Trunks in the wall, "How-how did Xeno do that? He and Trunks have the same power level but just by charging it for a second he managed to kick Trunks once and he was flying." "It is strange Gohan." Krillen says as he sits down next to Gohan, "Krillen you saw that too?" "Yeah I did, I know what you mean they have the same power level, 80,000 right? Well after Xeno charged his energy it kicked up to 100,000." Gohan and ChiChi look at Krillen shocked, "And you're not surprised?" Said ChiChi as the announcer started to speak, "Okay folks due to unfair matchmaking we will take a short break then Xeno and Vegeta will continue there fight!" "Oh what a relief." Said Krillen. Vegeta lands and walks to Xeno, "Mark my words Half Breed you will not leave here alive after what you did." "Look Vegeta I don't care about the past get over it, this is a competition, not a graveyard." Vegeta grabs Xeno by the caller, "Listen punk! I will beat you to a pulp for what you did to me I don't care if I have to blow up this entire arena!" Xeno pushes Vegeta away, "You and your lackeys asked for it." Gohan, ChiChi and Krillen get off the stands and head towards Xeno as Krillen helps Goku up, "You almost killed my dad!" Gohan kicks Vegeta in the shin, "Ow stop it you brat." Goku gets up out of the dirt, "Listen Vegeta, what happened in the past and what happened in the present, you need to forget about it." Xeno says to Vegeta. Vegeta walks out of the arena, "Um Xeno what just happened?" Krillen askes, "It's a long story Krillen, let's just say when Vegeta came to earth 4 years ago it wasn't the first time he and I fought." "So what your saying is you beat him before?" Xeno looks at Krillen, "More like I almost died trying to beat him." ChiChi looks at Goku, "Looks like you knew what he could do Xeno." "Yes, he did the same thing to my master what he did to Goku." Goku gets up shaking from the shock, "He-he did that before? But to kill someone?" "Yes Goku, but you were able to survive it, my master didn't because he was too weak of is age." "How old was he?" "Say 100 or maybe 250 I don't remember." Krillen gives some senzo beans to Goku, "What did happen between you and Vegeta?" Xeno sits on the ground, "Well i think you guys should know, back on my home planet Trigon 4, we were a moon orbiting planet Vegeta, every night on Vegeta planet Trigon 4 was in the sky, like the moon nowhere on earth, so Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa came to our planet with a mission to wipe out our half breed saiyens and destroy the planet." Gohan looks at Xeno, "That's terrible." "Nappa killed my mom, so I fought him first and won giving him brain damage and back then I was only 8 years old, then Vegeta killed my master then I fought him, during the fight I managed to cut off his tail and scar his face, I called him a saiyen menace. Then he hit me with his Galic Gun and launched me into space when I got back to my planet, Planet Vegeta blew up and the blast destroyed my planet." Everyone looks at Xeno, ChiChi hugs Xeno from behind, "You poor thing, so Vegeta is this upset just because of a tiny scar and his tail being cut off?" "Yes, he blames us for the planet blowing up too." Goku gets up slowly shaking from the pain, "Then you better prove him wrong then." "What do you mean Goku?" "Beat him and prove that your kind is just as capable as us saiyens and prove to him your kind didn't destroy his planet." Xeno looks at Goku and nods. Everyone walks out of the arena, Xeno walks out of the arena with Goku leaning on his shoulder, "Geez your a mess Goku." Piccolo lands in front of them, "Piccolo!" Yells Krillen, Gohan runs up to Piccolo and hugs his leg, "Mr. Piccolo your back!" Xeno walks up to Piccolo, "How is it going green man?" Xeno smiles, "Hmmff, pretty good, you look just as messed up as Goku." Piccolo says smiling. They talk for a few minutes, "So you do have a history with Vegeta, I don't blame you." "Well, he isn't what he was back then I mean look at Goku." While they talk the people walk back into the arena, "I think you should go now Xeno I will take Goku and watch the fight from the stands, oh and Xeno remembers what Guru said: If you want to defeat your strongest opponent remember your hidden alien blood, use it to gain the upper hand. So don't screw it up I seen you use your alien blood once it might help you." Xeno nods and walks into the arena, Vegeta walks back in standing opposite of Xeno, "Alright ladies and gentlemen it is time to finish today's round of the world tournament lets get started!" The announcer rings the bell as Vegeta and Xeno stare at each other, "Are you ready to die half breed?!" Vegeta says, "I believe your the one who's going to die Vegeta, for what you did." "What did I ever do to you?!" "You destroyed my home planet! When are you going to see that when you just kill your problems you affect others as well?!" Xeno starts charging his energy making a blue aura appear, "You should have thought of that when your kind decided to breed with alien scum!" Vegeta charges his energy making a light blue aura, "I will crush you like I crushed your mother!" Xeno snapped hearing those words, "Don't you ever talk about my mother you saiyen scum! Aahhhggg!" The earth begins to shake under the arena as Xeno charges his energy but something in him is changing, "Whoa what is this?! He seems to be going through some sort of transformation!" Xeno screams loudly, "I will show you what we half breeds can do to you saiyens!" At that moment Xenos aura changed from blue to a light green and black auta with purple lightning, "Huuuuaaa!" "Mr. Piccolo, what's wrong?" "Its Xenos power level, it won't stop rising." Everyone watches as Xenos aura goes completely green and black as the lighting multiplies around him, "What is his power level now?" "It's at 90,000 and it's still rising." Xeno gives a small burst of energy as he stands in his normal stance as purple lightning covers his body, "Piccolo what is his power level now?" Asked Krillen, "Its-its, 250,000." Everyone gasps looking at Piccolo then at Xeno in the arena, "What is this transformation?" "Its no transformation, its just Xeno using his alien and saiyen blood at the same time, I saw him do it before but now he is different." Vegeta looks at Xeno, "Well are you done?" Xeno smiles looking at Vegeta, "Hmmff, not yet." Suddenly Xenos aura explodes pushing out a forceful wave knocking over everyone in the stands as Xenos power level doubles. "Whoa what was that?!" The announcer says getting up from the ground, "Piccolo what's going on?" Asked Krillen, "He-he is at full power, 500,000" Vegeta looks shocked at Xeno, "Well this power of yours is very new I can tell but, can you handle a super saiyen?" Xeno looks at Vegeta, "Your, not a super saiyen yet Vegeta I can tell just by looking at you." "What-what did you say?!" "I said you're too weak to be Super Saiyan." The arena is quite as Vegeta walks closer to Xeno, "You really think just because your aura changed you can beat me?" Xeno appears in front of Vegeta as a cluster of air pockets appear behind him then Xeno kicks Vegeta to the ground, "Wow you took 5 punches and you're still breathing." "Uugghhh!" Vegeta pukes blood on the arena floor and gets up, "Xeno doesn't toy with him just finish him!" Krillen looks at Piccolo, "Piccolo, isn't that a bit harsh?" Xeno and Vegeta started fighting exchanging punches, Vegeta misses every punch because Xenos speed has improved a lot, "What wrong Vegeta? Can't hit me?" Xeno punches Vegeta in the stomach launching him into the air, Xeno instant transmissions opposite of Vegeta, "Now let's end this." "Xeno use  the move your master taught you at full power!" Piccolo yells, Krillen looks at Piccolo, "What is so special about his move?" "Xenos training allows him to push his energy attacks above 100% power, he can make it use 200% power." "What!" "Do it Xeno!" Xeno cups his hands in front of him pointing at Vegeta, "Fine just stop yelling!" A blue sphere of energy appears making ripples in the air around it, Vegeta sees this and ready his Galic Gun, "You little punk eat my Full Power Galic Gun!" A sphere of energy forms between Vegeta's hands, "Big Bang Kamehameha!" A huge blue wave shoots out of Xenos' hands as it moves towards Vegeta, "Hnnaaahhh! Galic Gun!" A huge purple wave shoots out of Vegeta's hands hitting the blue wave. "Hhnnn master give me strength, Shin Big Bang Kamehameha!" Suddenly the blue wave turns red and doubles in size as it pushes against Vegeta's Galic Gun, "No, how is this possible?" Vegeta says looking at the red wave heading towards him, the red wave hits Vegeta but it still moves on behind Vegeta, when the wave evaporated Vegeta with only his pants on fell to the ground, "He-he did it....." The arena looks at Vegeta on the ground in a crater, "Xeno wins!" The entire arena cheers as Xeno land on the ground and sits down tired. Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Goku and ChiChi run to Xeno with Gohan jumping on top of him, "You did good kid." Says Piccolo showing Xeno a thumbs up smiling. After a while, Vegeta gets up and walks limping out of the arena into the darkness. Xeno and the others walk out of the arena and went to Goku's house to celebrate.

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