New Age of Magin Saga

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After the tournament was over Xeno and the others went to Goku's house to celebrate, some of them even started to toy with him, boasting about how strong Xeno has become and Xeno was telling stories of his training and how life was on his home planet Trigon 4.

"So the reason why we thought of allying with aliens is to see what the two bloods can do if a child is born from a half saiyen half alien family, i was the 756th successfully half breed born." The others looking at Xeno sitting at the table, "So your planet was inhabited by saiyens and aliens? Now were did that idea come from?" Asks Krillen, "Well saiyens weren't very fond of aliens on planet Vegeta, so a saiyen woman flu to Trigon 4 with her secretly married alien husband and started a completely new planet, some saiyens from planet Vegeta come to Trigon 4 with the same idea." "Wow it sounds so cool." Krillen says smiling with his arms crossed, Piccolo comes in from Goku's room and sits on floor crossed legged, "Goku will be fine he just needs to rest a bit." Everyone exhales in relieve. "Well I can't say the same for Vegeta though, his pride must be destroyed by now." Everyone looks at Piccolo and then to Xeno, "By the way what was that what you did to Vegeta in the arena? It looked like a Kamehameha." ChiChi asks, "Well its a Kamehameha and a Big Bang Attack infused into one attack, it was created and mastered by my own master who thought it to me, he said it was a perfect attack to show how united our saiyen and alien community is you know." Gohan looks surprised at Xeno, "I thought only fusions can combine attacks like that." "Well Gohan if you have enough power to do it you can its just that because Xeno has alien blood it gives him a very large power boost making it possible for him to do it." Piccolo says to Gohan, "What was his power level again Piccolo?" Krillen asks, "It was 250,00." Xeno looks at Piccolo surprised, "Wow last time i went full power like that i only went to like 80,00." Everyone looks at Xeno. After a while of talking they started talking about Goku's condition, "Well with Goku bedridden for a while I want to ask if any of you three want to train Gohan?" ChiChi says, "M-mom? You want me to train? But i thought you never wanted me to fight." Gohan says, "Yeah ChiChi its not like you to let Gohan train to fight." Krillen says, "Well if you don't like it you don't have to train him, how about you Piccolo?" ChiChi askes, "Sorry, i cant i am training some young Namekians on Planet Namek." "So its settled then, Xeno will train Gohan till Goku feels better." Xeno jumps up shocked, "Me? You want me to train Gohan? ChiChi be reasonable i cant train Gohan." "You wont know till you have tried." ChiChi says with a smile. "So-so Xeno will be training me to fight?" "Looks like i don't have a choice Gohan." Xeno looks at Gohan, "Well don't just sit around, go outside and spar or do some flying or whatever it is you do when your training." ChiChi says, Xeno and Gohan head outside to the back of Goku's House in a wide open space near the mountain, "Okay so Gohan what did your dad teach you so far?" Xeno asks  "Well, he thought me how to fly and shoot energy from my hands, like a ball shape one." "Okay that's good lets start with that, okay lets see here oh you see that tree over there?" Xeno points at a tree in the distance, "Yeah." "I want you to hit that tree with your energy blast, can you do that Gohan?" "Um sure i will try." Gohan charges his energy to a point were he can shoot and energy blast, "Here goes, Ha!" Gohan stretches out his arm shooting a yellow energy blast towards the tree, in midair before it hit the tree the blast evaporated. Gohan looks at the tree in shock, "I-i missed." Xeno stands behind Gohan holding his shoulders, "No no that was good you just need to put more energy into it, like this." Xeno waves his hand towards the tree and a green energy blast shoots out of his hand and hits the tree in a loud thud followed by an explosion, "There see? All you have to do is put more energy into you blast, so try again but put more energy into it." "Um okay." Gohan charges his energy again and stretches out his hand, he shoots an energy blast out of his and and again it evaporates before getting near the tree, "I did it again." Gohan sits on the ground, Xeno rubs his chin, "Gohan what is your max power level?" "Um i think it is 20,000 why?" "Your only using 2.000, try powering up to max." "Okay i will try." Gohan stands up and charges his energy, at a point his blue aura appears as he keeps charging his energy, "Yes Gohan get your energy to max." Gohan continues to charge his energy. "Ahhhhhh!" Gohan gets to full power and reaches out with his hand and shoots a energy blast, it flies through the air and hits the tree in a big explosion, "Well done Gohan you did it...." Just then Gohan moves his arms back and forth shooting multiple energy blasts at the tree, after a while Gohan stops breathing heavy. Xeno poke his head around the rock he hid behind, "Um well done?" Gohan jumps in the air out of excitement, "I did it i actually did it!" "Yeah you did that tree didn't know what hit him." Xeno says with a smile. Hours have passed since Xeno started training Gohan, ChiChi, Piccolo, and Krillin watch from the house how Xeno and Gohan spar with each other in the yard, "Wow Xeno is really learning Gohan how to fight, it's incredible how fast and easy it is for Gohan to learn from Xeno." Krillen says, "Well Goku always pushes Gohan to fight all out so maybe Xeno teaches better because he trains him at a slower pace." Said ChiChi. After a while Gohan runs in the house opening the door, "Mommy mommy did you see me?!" "Yes i did Gohan." ChiChi says with a smile, Xeno walks in and lays down on the couch tired, "Phew, well he is not bad, he is a quick learner too, how is it that Goku can't train him so well?" Everyone looks at Xeno, Xeno looks up, "What? Didi say something?" Krillen stares at Xeno then slowly lifts his hand and points, "What's that?" "Hmm?" Xeno looks down seeing his Saiyan tail waving around, "Oh that's just my tail, it got a cramp so I unwrapped it from my waist." ChiChi looks at the tail, "So you never worn a belt in the first place?" "Nope." Xeno says tilting his head back. "So you are like Goku and Vegeta? You can turn into a great ape at a full moon." Krillen asks, Xeno looks up, "Well yes and no. As long as I don't look at the moon when it's full then I am fine, don't get any ideas of cutting my tail, Piccolo." "Don't worry i tried it before not again." Says Piccolo, "Wait why wont you cut off his tail?" Xeno sits up looking at Krillen, "When I was 3 I looked at the full moon on our planet and because i was only part saiyen i went semi grate ape, basically i looked like Goku in super saiyen 4 but just white hair." Everyone looks at Xeno, "So why can't you cut off your tail?" Asks ChiChi, "Because if I cut off my tail I can die in a matter of hours, don't know why though, I can cut it halfway but still can't cut it all the way." Gohan stands up and sits next to Xeno looking at his tail. Time passes as everyone goes home but Xeno stays behind at Goku's house, "Xeno you can go home really it's not the first time Goku was bedridden." Says ChiChi, "Well I want to stay and make sure he is okay." Xeno says picking up Gohan that fell asleep on the coach, "I am just going to put Gohan in bed for you then we can have some tea." Xeno walks to Gohan's room and puts him in bed, Xeno years the kettle boiling in the kitchen and walks back into the kitchen, "One or two teaspoons of sugar for you Xeno?" "Two please, and i got something special for us to drink." Xeno puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out two bags of a strange green tea bag, "Its a special tea from my planet, I managed to save a few bags, these are my last two it calms your nerves." Xeno puts the bags in the cups, "Do you miss your home planet?" Asks ChiChi as she pours in the water, "Well its more like i miss my friends who where on that planet not the planet itself." Says Xeno, "Well this is your home now." ChuChi says with a smile, "Well this planet has a better chance then what my planet had to survive." Xeno says drinking the tea, "What do you mean?" "We saw that planet Vegeta was going to be destroyed but we didn't warn them or anything." Xeno says sipping the tea. ChiChi drinks the tea, "Hmmm this tea is pretty good." Says ChiChi, "Told you it is good." Xeno says with a smile, "Well Xeno today was fun but i think i will go to bed now okay." Xeno nods his head, "Night ChiChi." ChiChi walks out of the kitchen into Goku's room. Hours pass as Xeno decides to lay on the roof of the house looking at the stars, "Can't believe I actually defeated the prince of Saiyans." Xeno says smiling. In Goku's room ChiChi fell asleep next to him, a voice talks to Goku in his head drawing him near to a place in the woods, as Goku opens his a black M appears on his head and he gets up and climbs through the window of his room just then ChiChi wakes up, "Goku honey are you okay?" Goku turns and faces ChiChi, "I am fine, why do you care?" Goku says in a harsh way, "Goku whats got into you?" Goku flies away, "Goku!" Xeno hears ChiChi scream and turns and sees a blue aura fly away into the night, Xeno jumps off the roof and runs into Goku's room, "ChiChi you okay?" Xeno asks, "Its Goku i don't know i couldn't stop him, he just flu away." Xeno looks out the window and sees the Goku is completely gone. The next day everyone came to Goku's house, "So you say he had an M on his forehead when you saw him." Piccolo asks, ChiChi nods, "Yes, he didn't seem like himself at all, like he doesn't trust me." Everyone looks at ChiChi, "Well only one person is able to do that to someone." Everyone looks at Piccolo, "Who Mr Piccolo?" Gohan asks, "Babidi." "Wait wait you mean that that small freak of nature was able to mind control Goku? I always fought he would go for Vegeta." Tien says, "Well he is the only one who can do that so yes." Piccolo says, "So shouldn't we just find Babidi and take him out?" Says Yamtcha, "Yamcha you idiot Babidi hides underground, we don't know where his lair is." Piccolo says. "So how do find Goku now?" Tien asks, just then Krillen runs into the house, "Guys guys! We got trouble in west city, a guy with red fur and black hair is destroying it." "Looks like looking for Goku has to wait lets see what this is about." Says Piccolo. Everyone gets out the house and flies to west city, close to the city they see the city in flames, "Look!" Yamtcha points at a red wave hitting a building cutting it in half and collapsing, "That must be the guy." Tien says flying towards where the wave came from, "Tien wait!" Piccolo yells. Tien gets to where the wave came from as he sees a red figure facing his back to him, "Got you!" Tien yells as he flies closer to attack him,  the red figure turns and kicks Tien into the wall of a nearby building, "Off! Trying to hide your face huh?" Tien gets out of the wall, "See if you can dodge this?! Tri-Beam!" Tien forms a triangle with his hands and shoots a yellow triangle at the red figure, the red figure swipes his and at it and it is deflected against the wall, "Hnn! But how? How did he do that?" Tien asked shocked, the red figure instantly appears in front of Tien and punches him in quick session, "Dagg!" The red figure punches Tien into the wall again, the red figure then grabs Tien and flies up dragging Tien against the building into the air. "Where did Tien go of to? He is going to get himself killed." Says Piccolo, just then Tien flies out of a building rooftop with the red figure, "Over there its Tien!" Krillen says pointing at them, the red figure then slams Tien down on the building making him go straight through and making the building collapse on him, "Tien!" Krillen yells, "Everyone rush him!" Piccolo yells, everyone rushes to the red figure, before they get close to him the red figure emits an explosive wave knocking everyone away. Everyone falls to the ground or flies through a building, "Hnn! Lets hope he didn't see Xeno." Yamcha says Xeno is hovering above the red figure that hasn't seen him yet, "Okay let's do this fast." Xeno charges his energy creating his green and black aura and flies directly at the red figure, "Hnnnn! Take this!" Xeno does a front flip extending his leg kicking the red figure to the ground hard. "Yes we got him!" Krillen yells getting out of a car he landed in, Xeno lands far from the crater as everyone stand behind him, "Come out and show your face!" Yamtcha years, "You already know who I am or is it all just a lie?" The red figure says getting out the crater, "You shouldn't be fighting me here." The red figure tilts his head looking at them revealing his face, "G-Goku?" Krillen says looming at Goku with a big M on his forehead, "Its Magin Goku now, and i am super saiyen 4!" When Goku said that he charged his energy to max as his red aura appears, "I will show you all what happens when you betray me!" Everyone looks at Goku, "Betrayed you? No one betrayed you Goku...." Before Krillen could finish Goku kneed him in the face sending flying down the road skidding on the ground, "Goku! What's got into you?!" Piccolo asks, Goku turns to Piccolo, "My friend huh!? You tried to kill me! Now i am going to kill you!" Goku punches Piccolo into the air, "Ghana! Goku stop!" "Nhhaaa!" Goku flies in to punch Piccolo and he blocks Goku's fist with his own as a shockwave bursts out of it, "Goku, Babidi is controlling you!" Piccolo says kicking Goku to the side, Goku lands on top of a building, "He is not controlling me! He showed me the truth, he showed me what my friends think of me, they all hate me because i am stronger then them, they all hate me! Kamehameha X10!" Goku shoots a red energy wave at Piccolo, the wave was to fast to dodge and Piccolos right arm was incinerated. "Ghhnnn!" Goku instant transmissions behind Piccolo and knocks him to ground crashing into the road making a crater, "Mr Piccolo!" "Gohan stay back he is to unpredictable." Yamcha says looking at Goku hovering in the air, suddenly a sharp white light shoots past Yamtcha and cuts Gokus cheek, "Hnn! Who did that!?" Goku looks around, "Was it you Yamtcha!?" "No! It was me." Goku looks up down the road and see Xeno walking towards him, "Goku you better come to your senses, i don't want to kill you." Xeno flies up towards Goku facing him, "Hahahaha! You can't even beat Trunks or Piccolo, not even in a practice match what makes you think you can beat me?" Goku says looking at Xeno, "Goku, your super saiyen 4, i know what your thinking but that wont help you." Xeno says with a smile, "Gahn! What! What can possibly be more powerful then a super saiyen 4!?" Xeno smiles as he charges his energy creating his green and black aura with purple lighting, "A half-breed saiyen in Super Saiyan form with 4 times the energy of a normal super saiyen." "What!?" Xeno then holds his hands next to his waist and charges his energy till it starts to create small shockwaves, "No! No stop it!" Everyone on street level watches Xeno as he charges his energy, "What-what going on? This energy level, it cant be Xeno." Yamcha says, Piccolo gets out of the crater and Krillen pulls Tien out of the building debris. "You give me no choice Goku, i will have to kill you to get you to come to your senses." Xeno then stands upright and closes his eyes, "Behold, a saiyen and alien half-breed in Super Saiyan 1 form." "Your bluffing!" Goku throws a punch at Xeno, as soon as Xeno grabs his fist a burst of yellow energy comes from him and his hair turns yellow with blue lightning aura, "What?" Goku looks at Xeno in shock, Xeno opens his eyes slowly, "You call that a punch? My arm didn't even twitch." Xeno then smirks and squeezes Goku's fist, "Aaggghh!" Goku pulls away and looks at Xeno, "This is impossible, how did you become a super saiyen?" Goku asks, "Well I have so much power, I could turn into one with no trouble at all." Xeno says smiling, "Here Goku." Xeno lifts his hand and points his palm at Goku, "What is it?" Goku askes, "Explosive Kamehameha." A blue and white orb appears in Xenos' hand and shoots out at Goku. The blast with Goku on it streams far away from Xeno and hits a building, as it hits the orb grows larger and explodes twice its original size, "Hope that wasn't too much of my energy for you?" Everyone looks at the building that blew up, "Did-did Xeno do that?" Krillen asks, "That was a 20-floor building and with one shot he leveled it." Yamcha says, "He-he is more powerful then Goku, he-he can win." Piccolo says holding his shoulder of his missing arm. "Ghana! Well, you got power kid but not enough to heat me!" Goku says flying out of the debate, "How about a taste of a real Kamehameha! Kamehameha X10!" Goku shoots a red energy wave out of his hands towards Xeno, Xeno looks up at the wave and hold his and out, "Sure why not." The red wave hit Xenos hand dead on, when the wave passed smoke came of Xenos' hand, "Well it hurts but not that much." Xeno instant transmissions in front of Goku and starts hitting him with a barrage of punches and kicks. "That cant is Xeno his power level and fighting skill is completely different." Piccolo says, Xeno punches Goku in the gut and Goku caught the blood, then Xeno kicks Goku into a building wall, "Is this all the power you got Xeno? You said you got 4 times the power of a normal super saiyen so show me, show me!" Goku yells, Xeno looks at Goku, "You will have to make me show you my power not demand me to do it." Xeno raises his and points it at Goku, "I got a special attack for you, Kamehameha X20." A green wave shoots out of Xenos' hand and hits Goku through the building making him fall to the street level. "Tien, Krillin! Go!" Piccolo says, Krillen picks up Tien and flies away, Goku gets up from the ground and sees Krillen flying away with Tien, "Where do you think you're going!?" Goku charges his energy and raises his hands into the air, "Let's see if you can dodge a full power Spirit Bomb, "A small white orb appears in his right hand and Goku throws it at Krillen, "Krillen look out!" Xeno yells the orb hits Krillen exploding making a giant crater in the ground with Krillen and Tien nowhere to be seen, "K-Krillen." "Oh no." "Hahahaha! I got them, I got them both!" Goku says still standing in the street, "Hnnn! Goku!" Piccolo yells, "Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo tells shooting a yellow, green and purple beam towards Goku, "Hmmppf." Goku jumps out of the way as the beam hits a building, "Damn I missed." Piccolo says, "Mr. Piccolo." Gohan looks at Piccolo, "Xeno we have to get Gohan out of here now!" Yes Piccolo, "Well I am kinda busy dealing with Goku." "Well, I can't do it." "I will." Trunks appear from out of nowhere, "I will get Gohan out of here." "Trunks!" Gohan yells happily, "Wait if your here that means." Vegeta flies in crashing into Goku making a crater pounding him with punches. Xeno watches as Vegeta punches Goku into the ground, "Take that! And that! Die Kakarot!" Goku then elbows Vegeta in the face and kicks him away, "Vegeta! You think just because your the prince of saiyens you have power over me!? Guess again." Vegeta flies next to Xeno, "Listen, half-breed, I am only here to beat Kakarot I am not here to help you." "I wasn't assuming you where helping Vegeta." "Good so we understand each other, seeing your a super saiyen maybe if you hit him with a powerful move he will stop fighting." "An attack like what?" "Like Goku's spirit bomb but with more power, I will distract him just do it." Vegeta flies towards Goku as they start exchanging punches, "Being a super seen 4 won't help you Kakarot!" Vegeta yells, Goku then punches Vegeta in the stomach, "Hgggnnnn!" "Take a good look Vegeta, I am going to kill you!" Goku then kicks Vegeta upwards, "Kamehameha X10!" Before Goku could finish Xeno appears in front of Goku, "What!?" Goku yells, "Goku remember the story's I told you about my home planet?" Goku looks at Xeno, "Yeah what about it?" Xeno smirks and instant transmissions both of them into the air, "Wait what are you doing?" Goku asks, Xeno then kicks Goku to the ground and held his hands up into the air, "Behold the power of the planet core of Trigon 4!" Xenos hair turns back into white, "Trigon Star!" A massive black sphere appears above Xenos' head. "What is that!?" Yamtcha yells, "Trunks get Gohan out of here now!" "Right." Trunks grab Gohan and fly away, "This is insane! He has more power then Kakarot." Vegeta says, "This will finish you! The energy of a planet core infused with my super saiyen energy, this is your end, Magin Goku!" Xeno yells, "Wait for Xeno you will kill him!" Piccolo tells, Xeno then throws the sphere at Goku hitting him dead on as Goku holds it back with his hands, "Hnnnn DIE!" Xeno yells holding his hands in front of him, "Big Bang Kamehameha X10!" Xeno shoots a very dark blue wave at the black sphere, "Xeno no!" Piccolo yells, the sphere explodes making a crater knocking everyone away with a shockwave. "I-i think that did it." Xeno says walking to the crater, Xeno stands at the edge of the crater as the smoke clears and Vegeta lays in the crater, "What? Where is Goku!?" Xeno yells looking around, "Here!" Xeno turns around and sees Goku, Goku punches Xeno in his chest where his heart is, "Aagghh!" Xeno caught blood and flies backward into the air towards a glass building, Xeno lands on his back cut by the glass looking up through a hole in the roof, "Hahaha! That attack could have killed me but good thing Vegeta was close by to be used as a shield." Goku says looking at Vegeta, "Xeno!" Piccolo yells the smoke and dust clears revealing the sky as it has already turned to night with a full moon, "Well looks like I should just kill you three here and get it over and done with." Goku says walking into the crater towards Vegeta, "Hnnn-no coward, using m-me as a shield it's just stupid." "Shut it!" Goku picks Vegeta up by his neck, "Let's hear how a breaking siayens neck sounds like." Goku squeezes Vegetas neck. Suddenly the too of the glass building explodes, "What was that?" Goku says looking at the building,  "Hanh! The-the moon, he is looking at the moon." Piccolo says the dust clears off the building as Xeno stands there with red eyes and his whole body covered in white fur with his face still visible, "Henning! Hnnn!" Xeno twitches as he stands there, "Hnnggg! Aaahhhhhh!" Xeno yells, "Piccolo what happened to Xeno?" Yamtcha asks, "He has turned into a semi-great ape, he was staring at the moon." Xeno jumps off the building landing on the ground, "Hggaaaa! Hhaaaa!" Xeno scratched at Goku, Goku throws Vegeta to the side, "You can't just stay down can you kid?" Goku says, "Wrrhhaaaaa!" As Xeno open his mouth a green wave shoots out and heads towards Goku, the wave hits Goku knocking him to the ground, "Well that had some power to it." Goku says, just then Xeno jumps into the air and lands on Goku pounding away at his chest, "Gaara!" Xeno then throws Goku into the air, "GhaGhaGha!" Xeno shoots three energy waves one after the other towards Goku and hits him, "Its amazing, Xeno has so much power in super stayed form but in this form, he almost has 30 times his normal power." Yamcha says, Trunks appears and lands next to Piccolo, "Is that Xeno?" Trunks ask, "Yeah he went ape, latterly." Yamcha says. "Ghana! Haaa!" Xeno tosses Goku against a wall, "Baggage! He is too strong even for me." Xeno picks up Goku by his neck, "Haaaa! Ngggaaaaa!" "Hnnn! Aagghhh!" "He is going kill him! Trunks use your sword and cut his tail." Piccolo says, "But won't he die?" Trunks ask, "Just do it!" "Fine! Aahhhhh!" Trunks fly towards Xeno and cut his tail off, "Aahhhggg! Gaara!" Xeno falls to his knees and turns back to his normal self, "Baggage! Dumb move kid." Goku picks Xeno up, "Now where was I? Oh yeah, I was going to kill you." "Not-not yet!" Xeno puts his hand on Goku's chest, "I-i still have an attack that I can use, even if it kills both of us." Xeno says, "Wait for what!?" A black sphere appears on Xenos' palm, "Trigon Star." A massive explosion happens to make a crater after the dust and smoke cleared both Goku and Xeno where gone. "He-he did it, but he killed himself." Piccolo says, "But he did stop Goku didn't he?" Trunks says they watch as the dust settles with nothing left of Goku or Xeno except for Xenos tail next to the crater.

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