In a misty morning...

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( She stole my heart away and never returned. I couldn't do anything, except visit her grave, and relish my memories...)

With a heavy heart on my hand,
And a fragrant flower in the other,
I tread past a row of lifeless lives
Manifested by the leaves of green enveloped by the mist-
Silver and crystal clear they were with a fit
Of isolation, of love lost
And fear arrived back to terrorise,
The child within my heart
As it tread on the road to uncertainty
Enveloped by the mystic mist
With a tactful tinge
Of terror and loneliness best.
It was devoid of life and lustre,
A deafening silence burst my ears,
For a dead heavy heart was on my hand,
And with a slimy asphodel of infinite beauty,
I tread past a chain of shimmering webs
To bury my love, to end a story...

Forbidden Love (Verses of a lone soul)Where stories live. Discover now