The Party -Chapter One

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Joey laughed loudly, a bunch of people around him as he shook his hips to the music in his huge house. That's when someone came up to him, with a small box.

"Hey, Tyler." Joey smiled, shouting over the loud music.

Tyler grinned, grabbing Joey's arm and pulling him into the kitchen.

"What'd you do that for?" Joey whined, trying to get out of the kitchen, but Tyler's grip was hard on his arm.

"Joey, I have a present for you!" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Oooh, presentanya! Gimme gimme!" Joey suddenly giggled, grabbing the present and opening it.

"Oh my goodness gracianious!" Joey gasped, staring at what was inside the box. "Tyler, are you freaking kidding me?"

Tyler shrugged with a wide smirk. "Can't a boy get his best friend what he always wanted?"

"But Tyler, this is expensive!" Joey had wide eyes, taking the expensive bracelet out.

"Perks of being rich, Joey." Tyler laughed, helping Joey put his bracelet on.

*After the party, 1:30 in the morning*

Joey yawned, cleaning up the mess with Tyler, Meghan and David. They were all tired, and today was going to be a big day.

"C'mon, follow me guys." Joey stretched, walking upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms, smiling at Tyler. "Here, you can sleep here for the night. There's shampoo and towels in the washroom if you want to wash up."

Tyler thanked him, saying goodnight walking inside and closing and locking the door behind himself.

Joey walked up another flight of stairs, standing in between two doors.

"Here, two bedrooms. They both have bathrooms with towels and shampoo. Nighty night, guys! I can't wait for tomorrow!" Joey smiled excitedly.

Meghan said her goodnights, walking into the room. David, on the other hand, stayed outside by Joey.

"Yeah, I'm nervous, though.. You know I like guys, what if it's a girl?" David bit his lip, looking at Joey.

"Anything can happen, I just wish you luck. Now, go to bed and get some rest. It's, like, two in the morning and we have to set out to City Hall tomorrow morning to get more information on our matches." Joey smiled reassuringly. David nodded, giving Joey a friendly hug and walking into the other room.

Joey walked up the last flight of stairs into his bedroom. He dropped down on the bed, falling asleep immediately.

Joey woke up in the arms of somebody, somebody strong. By the scent of aftershave he could clearly tell it was a man. Was this his match? He opened his eyes, smiling as blue eyes stared into his eyes.

"Goodmorning, babycakes." The voice said, and it started Joey. It was so deep, raspy, and extremely sexy.

"Hey....?" Joey whispered, unsure. He would say his name, but he had no idea what it was.

"I'm your match. My name is S-"

"Joey! Wake up!" Tyler screamed in Joey's ear, shaking him. Joey bolted up, his hair a mess. He was still in his clothes from yesterday.

"It's eight, get up, shower, and eat!" He urged.

Joey rolled his eyes, rubbing his face. "Shut up, and get outta my room!" He whined.

Tyler rolled his eyes too, nodding his head. "Whatever you say, princess!" He said, bowing before leaving his room, closing the door behind himself.

Joey jumped out of bed, grabbing some fresh clothes and a bag and a towel. He quickly showered, throwing on a beige blazer and black skinny jeans before drying and styling his hair. He came out and everyone was already ready and eating. Joey sat down, munching on his pancakes. He saw how nervous David looked.

As Meghan and David already got in Satsuki, Joey was standing in the doorway with Tyler.

"Tyler, are you sure you don't want to go with us?" Joey frowned.

"No, I'm not ready yet. I'll let my match come and find me." Tyler smiled, putting a hand on Joey's shoulder. "You better bring your match back here if you find him or her, I wanna meet them!"

Joey laughed, his eyes tearing up. "Whatever, mom." He giggled, hugging his best friend tightly. Joey, Meghan and David packed up for a couple of days, incase the search took longer than expected.

They said their goodbyes, Tyler getting into his car to go home and Joey getting into the drivers seat of Satsuki. They drove to City Hall in silence, David in the passengers seat and Meghan in the back seat, most likely looking through FaceBook. As they arrived, they all got out, walking in.

Joey walked up to the front desk.

"Hello, may I get information on my match?" He asked, biting his lip.

"Alright, may I get your name and your identification card?" The woman behind the counter, looking bored, said.

"Joseph Michael Graceffa." He said as he gave her his I.D.

She typed something into the computer. Joey looked around, seeing Meghan talking to another woman at the counter and David talking to a man.

"Alright, here you go Mr. Graceffa. Your match information. Enjoy." She smiled, handing him his file. He met up with David and Meghan a few minutes later, all of them holding files.

"Ready guys?" Joey breathed, all three of them opening their files.

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