Chapter 3

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                I sat there wondering who was I.Where was I. How did get there. Why was I there. These questions rolled around in my mind. Making up the least crazy reason yet, It still seemed insane , I went with it. All the sudden I remembered everything. The crash,the job,EVERYTHING!!! I walked out of my hospital room and looked around. There was a waiting room with nurses. Everything was silent a little too silent."CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE!" someone shouted as about 10 people rushed passed me with a person in a bed. On the bed there was a machine, and it was a constant Buzz all the way across the hall. Everyone shouting code blue and people were freaking out. I asked one of the nurses what Code Blue meant she didn't respond she just started making sure the patient's wouldn't freak out or if they were already freaking out she would help them calm down. I kept asking. Finally she answered but not with the response that I would have liked. She said just go back to your room and get some rest. She told me some things that are already know like that I was in an accident and it was bad and so I needed to rest. I still wonder what the color blue meant it looks like the person wasn't breathing. I wondered if that might happen to me!!!

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