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"What do you want?" Cyclonus questioned deploying his sword. "I didn't come for trouble Devcon explained holstering his pistol. "Did Alpha Trizer order you to come turn me in?" "No, our Master is no more." Cyclonus sheaths his sword. "I'm sorry Devcon." "It was his time." Cyclonus places his hand on Devcon's shoulder. "I've been having visions." "About what?" "The Thirteen." "Perhaps they're from Primus." Devcon suggests. "Allow me to show you." Cyclonus says while placing one of his servos on Devcon's helm. A whirling storm surrounds them as Devcon braces himself, he opens his Optics seeing a vast land. "Where are we?" "We are in my mind." Cyclonus answers. Little did they know a vicious War was happening on the other side of the Galaxy for one important Cybertronian.   

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