Part 1: The Lady

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 My name is Richard Thompson and I have a friend, her name is Amy. She lived with me when I was young, and she's my one and only friend...

When I was 7 yrs old, I was stuck at home and didn't have friends or a social life. I was bullied in school dozens of times, calling me nicknames like "Emo fag" or "Mr. Lonely". This didn't bother me though, since they didn't know my situation at home.

I was the only child of Oliver Thompson (dad) and Abigail Thompson (mom). My dad was a hard working and responsible lumberjack, cause our hometown is covered with lots and lots of pine trees, while my mom was the opposite. She was a hard drinking and gambling bitch, she never cared for me or for dad and would always leave home to attend her "meetings" (My dad assumed she was just on her usual gambling spree, but I knew she was cheating on him.) . Whenever my dad gets his monthly salary, mom would just take it and gamble it and make stupid excuses like "I'm doing this for the family." , it's complete bullshit if you ask me. Sometimes I even question how did my dad even fell in love with this monster. My family is in chaos, the school and the community doesn't accept me and my house felt like the living incarnation of hell. But it all changed when SHE came. 

I was in the field playing with my Jurassic park dinosaurs and having a fun time with Mr. Snuffles (my teddy bear), when a cold breeze hit my face. I could have sworn I heard a voice as it hit, it sounded like "Come with me". Since I was a gullible 7 yrs old boy, I followed the source of the sound and immediately got into the forest. It took me a while to figure out I was lost and didn't know where to go, so I crouched to the ground and begun to cry hysterically . That is when I saw a figure, at the corner of my eye I saw her. She was a woman in her twenty's, she wore a white old dress and had curly blond hair, she had pale white skin and had blue eyes that shone brighter than the warm sun. She approached me really slowly, I was shaking, I didn't know what to do. She came even closer, so I back way a bit, I didn't know what to expect when she gets to me. I thought she would eat my face and leave my body to rot, too much horror movie even for a child at my age. I wanted to run and scream but I couldn't, I was mesmerized on how beautiful she was.

I stood there frozen, unable to move, paralyzed, when she came near my face looking at me with her glowing blue eyes. That's when she told me "follow me" she begun to brisk to the forest leaving what appears to be a blue trail, I followed the trial anyways. While running I imagined her to take me to a witch's house, again too much horror movies, or to a hidden cave where a demon will devour my body and take my soul. I thought to myself "better than being stuck with my family". When I reached the end of  the trail, I could see smoke in the distanced, I said "This is it, the witch's house". But when I got to the smoke's area I was in quite a shock, it was my house.

"The lady brought me back to my house." I was happy yet frustrated, I expected my life to end or something, but it didn't.

I didn't know what was her purpose on doing so but it feels good to be home, a bit. Dad came home later and told me about the things he did with his buddies at the business. Oh how we laughed so loud about the time he made a prank to one of his workers, it was a trap where there is a string and a bucket of deer feces. If someone passes through it and snaps, the well camouflaged bucket would begging to pour down lots and lots of fecal matter to the unsuspecting victim. That victim turned out to be his boss, and it was female so expect loud screams afterwards. He told me how horrible it smelled and how she ran to the stream and bathed herself in the water just to get the material out of her. Of course, my dad laughed silently as he watches his bitchy boss bath herself on the water like a dying fish. No one knew my dad done it and so did his boss, but she was so pissed that even of you say the word feces or sh!t, she'd snap out and lower your salary. 

But after all those funny stories dad told me, I still can't stop thinking about that lady. Who is she? Why did she show herself to me? What was her reason? Questions I'll answer sooner or later...

And speaking of ladies, my mom came along. Drunk as always. My dad and I greeted her with a wave and an annoying Hellooooooooooow, she then looked at us and murmured "piss off" My dad was giggling and finally broke out of laughter, and so did I. It was fun to have him around, he was more childish but he still knew how to make me feel like I'm not alone in this. I hope he would stay with me forever and ever. 

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