Part 2: Visitation

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 Days went by, after the event the forest, I kept seeing the woman maybe once every 3 days. Until she appears almost everyday, approaching me comforting me in my times of loneliness. She told me she's my Imaginary Friend, my guardian and she'll do anything to make me feel happy. It was strange that she was self aware of her role but it didn't bother me, I needed the comfort of a motherly love. It didn't take long when I grew a liking for her as my other mother, I'd tell her thing about my real mom and she'd always react the same way. She'd Tsk and tell me that's not a proper way to rise a cute child. Me being flattered with the compliment, left there blushing like a red balloon. She'd giggle a bit and vanish like the wind,

That's when me real mom came, she was drunk. Her hair was messed up, almost as if she had.... OH DEAR GOD, NO. My eyes widened knowing that she IS having an affair and she recently had sex. She came in and looked at me angrily and shouted " Don't look at me that way Richard, I know what you're thinking. If you told Oliver about this, I'll bring you to the forest and feed you to the wolves." I ran crying to my room, I shut the door so loud the whole house vibrated, or at least I felt like it. Then I grabbed Snuffles and went to my bed crying like there's no tomorrow. Then I felt a cold breeze coming into the room, and I looked up and saw the woman standing at the side of the bed. I was startled at first, then I slowly calmed down.

She came close and told me it's ok, she's there, guarding me. She rubbed my hair with her hand, it was a bit cold but I didn't gave a care. I was safe, I was calm when I am with her. She's like the ideal mom in my situation. She lullaby me to sleep, and when I dozed off, I felt cold air on my forehead and heard a smooching sound. I assumed she kissed me but I couldn't tell. I never had a kiss before, even from my parents, I did't know it was cold. I imagined it to be a bit warm but any kiss will do for me. 

I think I dozed off because it was already around midnight when I woke up. Afterwards I heard a loud slam on the front door. IT WAS DAD! I came running down the stairs, I tripped a bit out of a hurry and fell a few steps. But I got up and went straight to dad crying. Then I hugged him, hugged him so tight. His warmth was divine, but I can his face looks a bit weirded out.

He asked me "What's wrong sport, something bothering you?", I nodded as a response while my face was still smothered on his shirt. " It's the monster in the closet again huh? Wait here I'll go get my bat, I promise he won't hurt you and Mr. Snuffles." he responded while patting my head, "Wait here kiddo." he added. Just as when he was gonna let me go, I hugged him even tighter. I murmured "It's not Sully da... dad. It's mo... mo... mom." His eye's widened but still smiled a bit.

"What about mommy?" he said "Is she hurting you again?", "No" I responded.

"Did she come home late?",  "No dad...".

"Did she put Mr. Snuffle in the dog's den again?"  "No, dad... she's..."

"Then is she drinki..."  "SHE'S CHEATING ON YOU DAD!" I yelled. 

I looked up and saw his expressionless face, he stared at a blank space unto nothingness. He tried to rationalize things out explaining things out that I don't think made sense, but I know what I saw. I KNOW SHE'S CHEATING ON DAD. He then told me to go to my room and stay there, he's gonna have a quick chat with mom. I hurriedly went to my room locked the door and grabbed Mr. Snuffles. Not long after, She came back comforting me with her soft voice. Humming and hugging me, caressing my arm calming me down. I was still crying on the inside  but she told me that "things will get better, it always does ad always will". Her presence was enough to calm me down and her words comfort me, encouraging me to carry on. It was strange but I loved it.

Not long after I heard yelling and shouting, a loud thud was heard afterwards. And then the back door opened, I peeped out of my window and saw mom, walking in a weird angry way. Almost like she was stomping her feet with great force. After that I saw grab something, I could see well since it was a dark night and it was foggy. I took a good look closer until my brain could process what she was holding. Until I realized it was Dad wood axe! She looked at the window where my room is and gave a mean psychotic look. I tried to look back but it was too unnerving and disturbing that I couldn't do so. I grabbed a rosary and prayed to God that this will all get better. Even though it will obviously wont.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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