bum bum

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She was the type of girl you wanted to be around and have no idea why. She was the type of girl with a brain so easy to explore. The type with bouncy curls and piercing blue eyes. The type you could stare at all day and not find a single flaw. She was mature, looked down on others for obvious reasons.
She was someone I was told not to like, I was told by my dearest friend of her imperfections. But all I of the gossip about this girl meant nothing. She was one with a short temper, sensitive, delicate someone you pray doesnt get hurt.

It started with me asking her what she thought about me, it was a simple question. She could have been simple and said something about how friendly I was, but she asked what I meant. She obviously knew how complex my question was and I wasn't ready to tell her what I meant. As the coward I am, I asked a friend to sign into my account and talk to her my behalf. Once my friend clarified that I men at romantically, she spilled. As I was sent the screenshots my heart went bum bum. This girl had just told me how much I meant to her, it didnt take much time for us to be a couple. She wasn't keen with being open about our relationship for she was "straight" and so was I. I hadn't even told my closest friend about the highlight of my life at the moment. Her and I would talk for hours, her spewing French occasionally and me ranting about things that didnt matter. She told me about every issue she had, evry insceurity. I had told her more than anyone else. Every night ending with a "Goodnight Mon amour". But I couldn't keep her interest. So we split up, us ending with a goodbye and my burning throat. We tried to remain friends as I attempted to distract myself with a boy. I attempted to try again but that feeling she once had for me is gone.

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