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"I hate him."

Ineko's nasty scowl repels any more potential customers from coming into the bar.

"That makes two of us," a brown haired man says, still a little depressed that the bartender refused him bleach. All in all, the brown haired man looks like a proper Mafia member, with bandages covering almost every inch of his skin, except for his hands and most of his face. As he spins around on his stool, his legs bumps into the man sitting beside him, Odasaku.

"Shut up bandage wasting device, we all know soukoku is OTP." Ineko takes a swig of her rum before setting it down with a satisfied sigh.

Dazai Osamu raises an eyebrow, thoroughly offended that he was shipped with Chuuya.  Ango- A man with round glasses and a beauty spot-sighs and just tips back another drink, trying to block out their childish mafia executive bantering with an equally childish mafia apprentice.

"Ineko-chan, I would like to acquaint your face to a fundamental building block of a wall." 

"Dazai-chan, I-" her sickly sweet voice is cut off as Oda interrupts.

"What is OTP?"

Ineko and Dazai face palm.

"But on a serious note," Dazai adds as the light atmosphere tenses, "there are rumours of another organisation."

His smile twists wickedly.


"I heard you've been fighting with Chuuya again," Mori addresses her with amusement as she scowls even more. Ineko kneels down a respectful distance away from him.

"Yah, Boss, he started it." He just smiles at her snappy tone, shaking his head.

"It's been some time since you've gone out on a mission with your mentor-"

"With all fucking due respect sir, I'd prefer to keep it that way." Her voice drips with sarcasm and leering as she faces the horrifying prospect of going on a mission with Chuuya, alone.

There is a deadly silence, and Ineko realises that she stepped over the line a little with the disrespect towards the Port Mafia's Boss- interrupting him and daring to use mockery. She doesn't dare look up, knowing that Mori's eyes will be narrowed and deadly calmness will be found.

"I-I mean, sir, if I must." She hastily corrects herself, hoping that it will ease the tension in the atmosphere a little.

"Well then, it is decided!" Mori's tone is quite cheerful as he amusedly eyes Ineko, who is squirming with agitation as she wants to voice out her objections but her ranking forbids it.

The door creaks open, interrupting their conversation.

"You asked for me, Boss?" Ineko scowls at his voice.

"Yes, come here Chuuya," Mori's eyes flick to Ineko, "and come closer. I have matters to discuss about the mission."

Chuuya's eyes widen and he spins around, glaring at both Mori and Ineko.


in the shade of trees ; n. chuuya Where stories live. Discover now