My Lady, Murderous.ღ

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“I’ve told you before, Mr.Devereux, I do not tolerate failure.” Her tone was monotonous, but you could feel the venom behind it. The man before her throne shivered, looking much like a pig before the slaughter. “You’ve made such a terrible mess of things…” She closed her eyes and heaved a heavy sigh. “And here I thought you’d get the job done, so we didn’t have to get our hands dirty.” The man lowered himself onto his knees; his hands were clasped tightly, a silent yet worthless plea. My Lady had opened her beautiful crimson orbs, which I’m so very fond of, and laughed. “Begging will not save you. We had a deal after all, and it seems you didn’t keep your side of the bargain. Draco, will you seek a punishment fit for this worm?” She had turned to me, with a polite smile that didn’t reach her cold eyes. I bowed, as a sense of power flowed through me. “Of course, My Lady.” I stepped down from my place beside her, and grabbed the man by his collar. “Oh! Be sure to send him back to our ‘friends’, as a warning.” I smiled at her, as the worthless being struggled to free himself. “Yes, My Lady.” The rat struggled more violently, screeching in the girl’s native tongue. It was mercy he wanted, but I know My Lady. She wasn’t one you wanted to cross; she was the Queen’s Eyes. She was the Raven. “Ein Auge für ein Auge. Zahn um Zahn.”[1] Was her final reply to the dead man.

“It is good to see you out and about, Miss.” She narrowed her eyes at me, and asked. “Did you make too much of a mess, again?” I only chuckled, so I may have went overboard a time or two. “No, I took good care of our guest. Why! I even wrapped him as a present for your ‘friends’.” She grinned taking pride in my extra mile, and waved an envelope in front of my face. I returned her grin; it looks like we have more work to do.

“Please! We’ve done so much for you! How could you toss us aside for that old hag?!” Her hand came into contact with a drug lord's face. “How dare you! You try filthy the queen’s name, you worthless bag of bones!” She punched him this time, a loud cracking noise indicated that she had indeed broken his nose.  That beautiful crimson flowed from his nostril;  he tensed as he saw her hand come at him again. But she cupped his face, putting her forehead to his. “Verdammt sind die, die sich gegen die Königin.” [2] The man gave her a quizzical look, but his face twisted into one of severe pain. She had stabbed him through the ribcage and punctured his left lung using a sword left by her father. “Her Majesty has no use for loose ends.” That was when she withdrew the sword, and lovely scarlet splashed across her face. She sighed; “Draco, I’m in need of a bath. You may clean this up later.” I smiled, and pulled her into my arms. “Yes, My Lady.” For someone so sophisticated, she could sure be a brute at times. She is Erza Singvogel the Duchess of Willshire and she will have her revenge.

A/N: [1] An eye for an eye. A tooth for a thooth. [2] Damned are those that oppose the Queen

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