01 | stupefy

39 5 0


s t u p e f y

To be stunned 


 "Are you sure you want to this, Draco?" Blaise looks at him, curiously.

He knew this was serious, Draco had to be kidding. Out of all his hatred on the muggles and complaints about them at Hogwarts until now, this has got to be a joke. No death-eater has set foot in the muggle world ever since the Dark Lord was defeated, everyone except for Draco. He did a few errands here and there. But no one knew about it.

"One-hundred percent," he looks at Blaise with a smirk. "I've been waiting for this moment ever since I can remember."

Blaise raises his eyebrow at him and says, "You sound like fucking Pansy after some mind-blowing s-"

"Blaise-y dear," Pansy coo's in as she comes down from the stairs, "You're mouth could be used so much better." She went up to have a quick shower, the patrol job she did was at a very un-hygienic spot and being the girl she was she couldn't stand it. Her hair was still dripping with little drops of water, staining itself onto the floor of Malfoy Manor.

Blaise grins at her. "You two should get a room already," Draco grunts.

"You're just jealous that I have a girlfriend and that you don't." Pansy makes way to Blaise and sits right beside him. He implants a sweet little peck on her cheek.

"Keep on dreaming, Zabini."

"Where's Theo?" Pansy asks as she fiddles with Blaise's hair.

"I'll bet 3 galleons that he's at the pub," Blaise answers her.

There was always bets on Theo's attendance every afternoon, basically there was a 99.9% chance that he was at the pub, but there was still that 0.01% that he wasn't. And surprisingly sometimes that tiny percentage was correct, but miracles barely happen.

"Make that 5 galleons, when he comes home drunk."

"What about you Draco, want to place a bet?" She asks.

Draco shakes his head. He was too busy thinking about his plan than to bet on something that was bound to happen. Nott going to the pub and coming home drunk was never new, it always happened when he had free time and didn't have to patrol. He might've of even shagged someone as well. But still, betting on Theo was a normal practice, it never hurts to have a little fun.

His mouth twitch upwards, "6 galleons if he fucked someone."

Laughter escapes out of Pansy's mouth, "You're just stating the facts, Malfoy."

Before Draco could reply to her, a loud thump outside Malfoy Manor awake them all. The three sprang to their feet and rush towards the door. Draco held his wand ahead of them as Blaise opened the door, he shoved Pansy behind him, being the protective guy he was.

"Stupefy," his wand produces a jet of red light from the tip which renders at the target leaving them unconscious.

The three step out and find a body at the front. Blaise moved forward with his wand to the body's face that was hidden beneath the hood, "Wingardium Leviosa." The hood lifts up revealing the victim of Draco's spell.

"Shit," Blaise whispers, "It's Theodore-fucking-Nott."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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