She's Cold And She's Cruel

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A/N Okay so first try writing a fanfiction. Don't kill me if it sucks :D. Actually, I didn't know it will be this hard to translate from my native language to English, seeing as English is my third (I think!?) language and it's pretty messed up, because of the different grammar. So, I hope you enjoy and I hope it doesn't suck that much. :) And the song is perfect for some of the parts. That's why I added it.

Camila Cabello was walking around the park. It was her favorite place. She found peace in the calm and amazing atmosphere that captivated her the moment she stepped on the white and, a little cracked, tiles of the public place. Seconds later the warm feeling of content took over her, because the birds started their repertoire of beautiful, soft and endless, songs. She liked to watch how the old people and their grandkids fed the ducks in the little lake, which many used for swimming too.

It was late September and the leaves, on most of the trees, had fallen as they covered the beautiful green ground with a carpet made of various nuance of red, orange and yellow. It created a pretty, but at the same time, dark and mysterious view.

The place for most of them was their hide out, their second home, their territory for games and dates. People often lost themselves in their thoughts when they walked around in the medium-sized park. It has been through a lot and seen a lot. From break ups between, supposedly in love, couples, to protests, creating new enemies and friendships and many other eventful days. And despite those sad moments, there wasn't a person in this little town that didn't love the park.

Camila approached the bench, but stopped when she saw that someone else was already sitting on it. Camila loved to meet new people and to form new friendships. She took a deep breath to compose herself and then moved forward. When the girl didn't pay her any attention, she coughed to show her that there was someone else in her presence.

The girl didn't even spare her a second glance. She just blew out her cigarette smoke and both of them watched it vanish in thin air.

Camila took her seat on the bench, while also maintaining a comfortable distance between them. Somehow she couldn't take her eyes off the pretty face that was half hidden by dark hair.

"Don't you understand, when someone wants to be alone, baby doll?" asked the girl with her raspy voice, that send shivers through Camilla's body. She made the mistake to look into her eyes and that was when her breath caught in her throat.

Camila immediately saw her greenish/grayish eyes that didn't dare to show any emotions whatsoever. After that, she looked closely at every little detail on the face of the girl. She had black wavy hair, light skin tone, which actually made Camila wonder if she has ever gone to the beach, a perfectly shaped body, with the perfect curves in all the right places, emotionless look that, for the second time, made her shiver and a lot of dark makeup that actually highlighted her eyes and made them stand out more.

She was dressed in all-black. From leather pants to outworn boots with a little heel and her shoelaces were loosed. A shirt which had red stripes and a lot of bracelets covered her hands. There were many rings on her fingers and some of them looked the same, but the only difference was the ornament. From where she stands, Camila could see at least four earrings and somehow they added to her image and made her look scary and hot at the same time. Everyone could see from afar that you shouldn't engage in any type of conversation with this girl, but something in her made Camila want to talk to her and get to know her.

"Why do you want to be alone?" Camila asked nicely.

The girl next to her rolled her eyes, annoyed. It didn't make her feel sad that she obviously was pulling a nerve and sooner or later the black-haired beauty may explode on her, it actually made her want to learn more about this mysterious person.

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