She's Like A Ghost

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A/N: Okay so I suck at this updating thing...but It's hard dudes. Like I have to translate from another language to English, because my lazy ass thought what a better thing then to write the book in my native language and not English. Btw I love the song Ghost and yes it does have something to do with the book. I ain't posting songs that don't have a meaning to the book :D :D :D. So until next time. Hopefully it will be less than 5 months...again sorry.



Camila woke up from the sound of her alarm and she opened her eyes slowly, waiting patiently for them to adjust to the sunlight. She got up from the bed and looked around her room. The memories from yesterday started coming one by one in her head. She could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. Camila brushed them away with the palm of her hand and chose to just smile at the day. She didn't want something, or specifically someone, to ruin her day. The girl turned off her alarm and started her morning routine consisting of taking a shower, choosing what to wear, putting on light make up and having a quick banana for breakfast.

The school halls were full with students when she arrived. It was the same, some people telling their friends what they did the night before and others were just half-sleeping, half-walking around the corridors. Camila went to her locker and after putting in her combination, she started taking the necessary books she'll need for her first class. And when she was finished and ready to go, her best friend came out of nowhere, slightly scarring her, and she started walking with her, telling Camila all about the things she did the night before.

"So, my parents wanted me to remind you about our charity event today." Dinah said while trying to avoid any student bodies that could collide with her at any given moment.

Camila sighed annoyed at the reminder.

"I know and I haven't forgotten. Your parents were pretty strict about it. And you know that my parents won't miss a show like this."

"I hope at least this time there won't be any kind of problems."

The last time Dinah forgot her speech and she had to improvise. If you ask her, she did a spectacular job at this, but her parents obviously didn't like it when someone uses the words "dude", "dawg", "bro" and "bang". 'They weren't appropriate words for a woman her age.' her parents said after, but still, this was the best speech Dinah has ever said in front of so many rich and important people.

"Still think it was the best speech ever." said Dinah after her little recall of the iconic moment.

Both girls went their separate ways when they reached Camila's classroom. The Cuban girl opened the door, only seeing three students at their desks and remembering who they were from previous conversations she had with them at some point in her teenage life. She went to her desk in the middle of the room and sat down. Ten minutes later the classes begun.

It was finally lunch time and Camila was waiting for her friends on their lunch table. She hasn't seen any sight of Lauren which the brunet thought was good, because she was kind of afraid of what the girl could do to her. And not in a bad way, she just couldn't understand her. She couldn't understand why she was so mad at her and why she acted like some tough girl that no one can hurt.

Camila noticed her best friend who came into the lunch room with a bang. If this was a cartoon there would probably be steam coming of her ears and her face would be red, full of rage. Generally Camila would get up and hug her friend tightly, but today she would make an exception. It was better this way. Dinah Jane was someone who could kill anyone who dares to annoy her...or touch her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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