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The shrieking screaming continues to ring in the little mech's audio receptors. The sound replayed back in his processor like a movie stuck on rewind. The sound of frantic peds drummed down the corridors. Where was he? The sparkling wasn't going to stick around to find out.

With tears flooding the rims of his yellow optics, he raced down the halls. Shoving and slipping past the grown bots who tried to catch him. Being so young, it was far too easy to slip through any bot's servos. Blurred by fear and tears the young bot managed to scrap by swiping servos..but just barely.

"Somebody catch him!!" A panicked voice explained. "Don't let him get past those doors!"

"Ruckus!!" another bot called. "Come back! No one is going to hurt you!"

Ruckus skidded to a stop as he came to a fork, nearly stumbling over. His spark raced, as he quickly glanced to each path. He took his arm and whipped a few of his tears away. ' Which way, which way?! ' Before Ruckus could make the decision a strong servo clasped onto his shoulder.

"Gotcha! where do you think you going little fella?"

Ruckus tried with all his strength to pry the older bot's servos free.

"Let me go!!" he cried.

"Settle down little one, we'll explain everything in a moment"The mech had gone to secure his hold on the sparkling. Ruckus fought for his life. Squirming like there was no tomorrow, but all his attempts were in vain. When has that ever stopped the sparkling? Ruckus had no other choice but to fight dirty. With a forceful shove of an elbow and kick back, the sparklings' captor erupted in a pained yelp. This caused the mech to loosen his hold..but not enough. Ruckus grit his denta and softly growled.

"I said let me GO!" he explained. The bot did not comply, leaving Ruckus with his last resort. The sparkling turned around and clamped down on the bot's servo with his denta. The bot howled in pain and released the sparkling finally. He stumbled back and gripped his servo. He looked over his servo and saw that some energon was drawn, with a sneer he glanced back to the sparkling who was responsible.

"Why you little.."

Ruckus wasted no time in hanging around. He bolted and took a left and burst through a pair of doors. There were more bots here, however, they seemed less threating. The soft hum of conversation stopped to focus on Ruckus. Ruckus wasn't going to risk trusting these bots either. Everything about this place gave him a bad vibe. Once again the sparkling made a B-line towards another set of doors. However, this set of doors leads outside. He pushed past a femme that got in the way. She yelped and tried to get out of his way fast enough.

Ruckus propels himself through the doors. He was met with the blinding light of the outside world. Loud honks, zooming vehicles, bustling cybertronians all flooded his audio receptors. Ruckus didn't allow his optics to readjust to the lighting. Throwing an arm over his optics did the sparkling race down the sidewalk.

"Woah! hey!!" a bot yelped in surprise.

"watch out!!" another sqeaked.

The young sparkling managed to evade many bots today, but perhpas Ruckus assumed alittle too soon. The sparkling ran face first into something that felt like a wasn't a wall.

"Whoa now...what do we have here?"

Ruckus removed his arm and replaced it with his servo to take a look at what he ran into. With narrowed optics, he blinked and tried putting together a tall and well-built silhouette. Ruckus slowly stepped back, intimidated by this mech's size.

What trouble did he run into this time?

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