Chapter 5 - Lunch time

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-After first, second, and third period-

Arthur's POV

I ran out of third period as soon as I heard the bell ring. I ran to the cafeteria not even stopping to take a breathe. While I was running I started thinking about him. Bloody hell. I'm blushing again.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" I screamed at the person starting a conversation with his group in the middle of the hallway. They just turned around and gave me a dirty look. By the looks on their faces they were pissed off at me. Still they wouldn't move. So I did what I had to and that was to shoved them out of the way.

After that I made it to the cafeteria and saw Alfred waving to me. I walked over to his table and saw Feli, Lovino, and other people. Alfred looked at me and said,"This is my friend Arthur Kirkland." I waved shyly and took a seat beside him. Everyone waved at me. Well everyone but Feliciano who said,"Ciao Arthur!"

"Well I'm gonna get lunch" I said getting up and started walking to the line. "Same" Alfred said "I'm starving!" He caught up to me and walked beside me. My face started to feel warm again. "what are you gonna get?" He said looking at me as we made it to the line. "I don't know honestly...I need to see what they have" I said looking into his eyes and trying to not blush. Not that I already am but at least it's not visible....I think.

We finally made it to the front of the line. He asked for a burger, fries, and a soda. Like I said earlier he is a true american. "Do you have any tea?" I asked the lunch lady. "Yes sir, which type would you like?" She said looking at me. "Earl grey please" I said pulling out my wallet ready to pay. She gave me my tea and just to make sure it was made right I took a sip. It wasn't bad but I had better. "Do you want any food?" She asked. "Oh um..." I scanned over the food to see which one I would eat. I really didn't like anything they had so I just ordered chicken with a side of fries.

I walked back to the table and sat down beside Alfred. It was like he never breathes when he eats. I giggled a little because of how he ate. I handed him a napkin to clean up his face. "Thanks bro" he said as he was wiping his mouth. "No problem" I said smiling at him.

After that the bell rang. It was time for fourth period. He hugged me. I felt a shiver go down my spine and my face got red as a tomato again. "See you later bro" Then he ran off to his next class.
Chapter 6 out tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed

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