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Taylor visited the cemetery everyday. He would talk to the granite headstone and tell it all about his adventurous day. He would talk about how sad he was becoming, what he picked up from the grocery store, how much he wanted to die, what he watched on television.

He'd be lying if he were to say that he hadn't considered taking his own life. Even though he knew that what Hayley would have wanted for him was to stay strong and never give up on life, that was far easier said than done.

He tried to overdose on Valium — which his doctor immediately took him off of when she was informed of the suicide attempt — but he chickened out five minutes after taking the medication, called his mom, and was rushed to the hospital.

"You're still my patron saint," Taylor whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked up at the cloudy sky, eyes focused on the small patch of blue that peaked out through the clouds.

He stood up, left the cemetery, and did his best to forget about how badly he wished for death to take him away.

Patron Saint | tayley ✓Where stories live. Discover now