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Lucius's POV

I had allowed her to beat my chest during the sprint to the manor, that man had been pushing her buttons to trap her. She stopped hitting me soon after she began, her tears staining my clothes. I knew what was wrong with her.... her time spent lost in slumber surrounded her by the ghosts of those young girls. The fact she had to kill an innocent shook her to her core. I brought Blaze to a stop as we approached the stables. The stableman took Blaze's reigns and tended to his needs. I carried Jade inside keeping her hidden from the rest of the staff. I knew she would be very upset being seen by others in her current state. Once I reached her room I set her down using my nails to cut the laces. My concern being for our poor child who was squished for so long. I knelt before her holding her hands in my own, her eyes shone over with tears that she wouldn't allow to fall.


"I killed her Lucius.... an innocent young girl."

"She wasn't a girl anymore, she was an empty shell."

I watched her lift her blade up and stare at the blood stained on the blade. I took it from her hand and sighed. Death never bothered her unless it had to do with a young child.

"Jade, you did what you had to do. There wasn't anything you could have done."

She sniffed slightly and then placed her hands on her stomach.

"Those ropes... or strings whatever the hell they were... They were going to trap me weren't they."

I rested my hands on her own nodding looking at our child.

"Yes... this was why i dragged you away. I knew that he wouldn't give in to your demands."

"But... but how can I find him then... How ca-"

"Are you joking? You can handle yourself just fine, and i am damn certain you can find Marcus Pryce."

She sniffed slightly and then fell into my arms.

"I want to find him.... I wont rest until i find this son of a bitch!"

"I know"

I pet her head as she was fighting her tears, she must have been more shaken by her death then usual.

"My stomach hurts..."

I blinked confused and began snickering at her childish comment. I couldnt help but begin chuckling more and more even though she glared at me annoyed.

"What's so damn funny!"

"You are my darling~ I know your upset about that young girl, but perhaps your also stressed from our little one."

She blushed red crossing her arms and averting her gaze. It was adorable seeing her act childish, it was a rare occasion when my intimidating mistress acted so foolishly.

"I... I'm not emotional.. I'm just upset about the girl. Stop laughing at me!"

I smirked and then stood up sighing.

"Perhaps I should just go ahead and prepare your bath?"

I slipped my shirt off and noticed her cheeks burn a brighter shade of red and her heart quickened staring at the intricate markings across my chest. She had always stared at them, I wonder if they aroused her. I gently cupped her chin and whispered softly to her.

"I remember you telling me to close my mouth while staring, it would be a shame for one as beautiful as you to drool."

"You are playing dirty, that is unfair."

Lady Shadowhive and her Demon Butler Lucius Dracovich. PT 2Where stories live. Discover now