Queen NightMare Moon calls Alucard

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"That little filly GOT PAST MY GUARDS?! IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE TELLING ME?!" Queen Night nearly screamed at the stallion who brought her this news. He cowered, shaking in fear of his Queens wrath. "Y-y-y-yes my Queen?" He said barely loud enough to hear through her ranting. She was near killing him, but stopped herself, though still seething. "Get me the General! Tell him to bring the Key! NOW!" She yelled the last word and the inexperienced guard scrambled away to get the General, the most feared warrior in the Army to anyone's knowledge.

This was going to be put to shame, as there was one last warrior that no pony knew about except for the General and the Queen. The most feared being other than the Queen herself even. The guard reached the General's quarters and knocked hard and continuously until the General opened the door, extremely irritated at the arrival. The messenger of sorts interrupted him before he could speak. "S-sir! Queen Night has requested your presence immediately in the Throne Room and wants you to get "The Key"!"

The guard said quickly, afraid of being yelled at. Instead of being yelled at, he was spoken softly to, for the first time ever, by the General. "It's time......wait for me." He commanded and went back inside momentarily, then came back out with nothing noticeably different. "Dismissed, go back to your duties." The General ordered as he hurried off to the throne room. Once he reached the door and walked inside, the sight of Queen Night pacing and muttering angrily worried even him, the second greatest warrior in Equestria. "Queen Night, I have the Key. Shall we Ma'am?" The General asked, announcing his presence. The Queen stopped pacing and looked at the General.

"Yes, quickly now! That little filly, needs to learn a lesson!" She snarled and walked off into a side door, muttering as she prepared herself for what she was about to do. The General followed her quickly and they both walked down the sloping corridor, the Queen's Horn glowing as she removed ancient spells and Magic from their way while they walked. What could possibly need this much Magic?? The General wondered, as the Queen had not told him there was this much protection guarding the creature. I may have underestimated this creature... they reached an ancient oak door with so many Magical enchantments that both ponies, Alicorn and Pegasus alike, could feel the raw power radiating from the ancient, thick, oak door.

The General flinched back slightly from the magical assault on his senses, while the Queen just ignored him and the sense, her horn glowing brighter as she disassembled the Magical enchantments. As soon, she was done, an unheard of expression flashed across her face; Fear and uncertainty. The General caught it and hid his surprise as she looked at him sharply. "Open the door General. Now." Queen Nightmare ordered and he obliged, opening the door and revealing a very, very, very dark, large dungeon. The faint light that was still cast be the Queens Horn revealed a heavily bound emaciated looking form propped against the wall opposite of the door.

"Queen, is that the creature you spoke and speak of? Please excuse my obviousness, but it's dead. Completely dead." The General said bluntly. Queen Nightmare ignored him and beckoned for him to follow. He was reluctant for an odd reason, as if he was being warned that he would meet his end in this room if he went in. Shaking the feeling off and reassuring himself it was quite a stupid thing, he followed the Queen. When she got to the corpse of what looked like an Alicorn and the General joined her, she levitate a knife from her armor and slit her hoof slightly, putting her bleeding hoof over the corpses mouth and letting it drip. "My Queen!" The General started but was silenced quickly with a bone rattling glare.

"Silence." She commanded and turned to the corpse. "You will drink my blood and be under my command, mine alone. I am a virgin, so drink my sweet blood." She said softly, but firmly. The General looked on in horror as he watched the emaciated corpse move and lick some of her blood, slowly gaining life, features filling back in, a dark form of Magic taking place and seemingly resurrect the....thing. by now, he was shaking in fear, about to run to the still open door. The corpse was now fully alive looking, deep, crimson, glowing eyes opening and looking straight into the General's blue eyes, shaking him to his soul and over filling him with complete and utter fear.

The thing smiled at him and stopped drinking. "Good, now feed." The Queen purred and took a couple strides back, grinning maliciously. "General, you have fulfilled your duties well, so you will be remembered honourably in History as a great Warrior who served well. Your time to die is now." She said as the thing easily broke the full body restraints, revealing the blood red, slightly curved horn, the black and red Mane and tail, then last of all was the body now covered in gray fur, wings slowly extending to a full wingspan of far more than Queen Night's, a huge coverage of 20 Feet in total, the fur also grey. It stretched and grinned very widely, revealing its teeth, the two small rows of pointing teeth, but most prominently, its four large, long, and sharp canines. This gave the General pause for a moment, which meant his death, as the creature lunged at the General faster than the blink of an eye, latching onto his neck and drinking his blood.

The General struggled and dealt a would have been fatal blow to the creature in its neck, but it did nothing to impede the creature, as the wound healed as fast as it had been dealt. The General fought till the end, but it was pointless, the creature had won and finally fed for the first time in the past thousand years. It let the body go when it was done and stood there, panting slightly with blood and saliva streaming from its teeth and dripping onto the floor. "You're under my Command, and shall stay that way. Is that clear?" The Queen stated more than questioned when It was done. As soon as she spoke, It turned and faced her, muzzle clean. "Yes, My Master." It said in a deep, silky, flowing, slightly raspy voice at the moment from lack of use, as It keeled and bowed Its head in recognition.

"Good! Now come Alucard, we have work to do!" The Queen said in relish as she walked out of the dungeon, Alucard now following. His height was much taller than Queen Night, his horn much longer, and of course wings much larger comparingly. "I need Clothes Master, for my work." He said in that same voice, looking down at his Master. She simply nodded and said, "I have just the thing, come." They both edited the hallway back into the Throne Room. "You have certainly made some changes to the decor, or is this how it was 1,000 years ago? I don't remember." Alucard said, looking around at the Throne Room. "I have made my changes to my Throne Room Alucard. Do you like them?" This was a real question this time and Alucard answered. "I quite like it and it suits you Master."

He smirked and grinned. "So what's my job Master?" The Queen stopped and looked at him. "Your job is to catch me a Mare who has escaped my wrath and kill her, search and destroy, understood? She has the power to topple my Kingdom and I cannot have that. This is the Mare." She touched her horn to the base of his and shared the image of the Mare to Alucard. He grinned sadistically and licked his teeth. "Yes my Master, it shall be done! Now how about some clothes?" He asked plainly and the Queen sighed, walking off to a small room that was off the Throne Room and came back with some clothes. He levitate them up and examined them. A wide brimmed, dark, blood red hat, along with a matching over coat that was slightly wavy towards the ends of the material, creating a good effect of Drama, four hoof slip ons, two white with a pentagram on each one and the others a black color, and a white under shirt that had a red, wavy kind of loose bow tie.. Last but not least were the red, sunset kind of reflective glasses that also came with the clothes.

He grinned then magically put on the clothes, sliding down the glasses with a laugh slightly when he was done. "You still can predict what I like Master...I like that part. Now! For business! That Mare has a death warrant? Well I shall be happy to serve my Queen and complete this task!" Alucard said as he knelt his massive form down and bowed his head. "Consider the Job Done, my Master!"

((Tell me Whatchya thought about this and if it needs any improvement^^ Hope you enjoyed^^))

Also, WarriorCourtney can use the same basis of this, though she can definitely copy and change this to suit the needs of the Story^^))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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