The King of Games

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**So I decided to write this one shot being inspired by many other stories on Wattpad and and it is a sad one. Be warned there is a major character death in this one shot. If you would be terribly upset by this then turn away. Thanks for the continued support!**

Yugi's POV

I coughed again. I've been coughing for a long time now. At the ripe old age of 77, I've been diagnosed with cancer. It was hard on my friends when they found out I was diagnosed with the big C. For two long years I've been fighting death, but recently the treatments have been doing more harm then good. At first I merely lost my hair. I had been grey for ages so I didn't have anymore of my tri-colored hair. Then came the nausea and sickness. It became hard to keep food down and I had to be hospitalized. It became so severe that I had enough.

The radiation and chemo was making me sicker than the cancer was. The doctors deemed it terminal and gave me the proper medication to be comfortable and allowed me to be at home with my family. I looked to my son Heba whom I adopted in Egypt on one of my many expeditions. He looked so much like me it was scary. "Father how are you feeling," he asks. "I'm ok," I say. His wife Nefertiti comes in with my next round of meds. I put my hand up. "There's no need for that," I say. "Father," he questions. "It's almost time Heba," I say and he has tears in his eyes. "F-Father," he says tearfully. "It'll be ok Heba. I'm not scared. I know what and who's waiting on the other side for me," I say. "The Pharaoh," he says and I nod.

"F-Father I don't want you to go," says Heba and his wife rubs his shoulders looking at me. "I know but I'm afraid that my time to go is almost here," I say. I think back to my beginnings. I had a pretty normal childhood till I lost my parents and then I got sent to my Grandpas but that wasn't so bad. I ran the game shop with him. He gave me one of my most cherished possessions, The Millennium Puzzle. Through it I met Yami and I met the rest of my friends that I called family. Our adventures together were the greatest of my life. Then he had to leave us. It was the right thing to do, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

About 5 years after, my Grandpa died. I felt so alone in the world. My parents left when I was young. Yami left me when I felt I needed him most. Then my Grandpa left. It wasn't their fault, but it was a while before I was able to grieve fully and get back into life. That was thanks to Joey, Tristan, Tea, Duke, Mai, Seto, and Mokuba. Seto surprised by funding my Grandpas funeral. He said that the man was wise and he wanted me to have time to grieve and not worry about expenses. Life went on and we all went our own ways keeping in touch. They are all still growing old and kicking. I'm sure Heba has called them to tell them that I didn't have much time left. I adopted Heba when I was 26 and it was one of the best decisions I made.

A knock sounded and Heba opened the door to see the gang. "Hey Yug," says Joey as he hobbles to my bedside. Tristan walks with a cane while the rest don't. Joey just has back problems. "Hey guys," I say weakly. "We wanted to be here by your side like we always are," says Tea. "Thanks it means a lot," I say. Seto who was also in the hospital with heart problems wasn't here, but he sent Mokuba with his regards. Tristan looked like he was trying to stay strong with Duke. "Yugi, Seto wanted me to give this to you. It's your will you asked him to finish," says Mokuba. "Can you read it to them I want them to hear it," I say. He nods and opens it.

"I, Yugi Muto, name Heba Muto the executor of all my assets, belongings, and anything else that isn't stated that belongs to me in this will. I pass my title as King of Games to Seto Kaiba to determine who is to receive it. I give my Millennium Box as well as the Millennium Puzzle and other Egyptian artifacts to Heba Muto to be kept or given to museums in Japan or Egypt. I give my duel disk and dueling decks to Joey Wheeler and Heba Muto. I give ownership of the Kame Game Shop to Heba Muto. I give my shares of Kaiba Corp to Mokuba Kaiba. I give my piece of ownership of the game Dungeon Dice Monsters to Duke Devlin. I ask that all of my pictures and memories be passed evenly amongst my friends and family," he finishes with tears in his eyes. The rest are tearing up too and I put a hand out and they each grip it.

"I'll see you all again someday. I don't know when that may be but we will see each other again," I say. "Yeah and you can bet when we do we'll be dueling each other again," says Joey. "I love you guys. You're all my family," I say. "Be sure to tell the Pharaoh hi for us," says Tristan and I smile at him. I can feel my energy start to deplete and my breathing starting to leave me. It's time. "I'm at least happy I get to say goodbye," I say. "Not goodbye. See you again," says Heba. I smile and then my vision is starting to fill with white. I get one last little look at my families faces before the white overtakes my vision. I then see a ring adorned tanned hand reach through the light and I know who that is. I reach up and grip the hand and Atems face comes to view. "Are you ready to come home Aibou," he asks and I nod smiling and he takes me up into the afterlife.

Heba's POV

I don't need the heart monitor to know that he is gone. He died with a smile on his face and I know he's now happy and at peace. The grieving was hard. A few days later, there was an elaborate funeral thanks to Kaiba. My wife helps me with the tears and looks of pity from the guests, but my adoptive father who I consider my biological father was my closest family. After it's all over the close family stay behind to watch the casket lower into the ground. I look up onto the hill and I swear I see two tri-colored haired males. One tanned and the other pale holding each other watching the funeral with smiles. I swear in the wind we here them speak. "Be happy. See you again when it's time," they say. I smile with tears in my eyes. "They are happy," I say and close my eyes and walk away with my friends.

**I was crying when I wrote this honestly but this has been sitting in my head. Thanks for reading!**

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