Chapter 1: Rose

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A/N: Sup. This is an idea I've been playing around with in my head for awhile. And since it's 8 in the morning and I can't go back to sleep and I'm sick and I just got out of the shower after I almost vomited everywhere, while surprisingly not waking anybody up, I decided "Sure. Let's write this." So here I am. Writing this. Yeah... Okay! Damn. I'm gonna have to be writing mum instead of mom aren't I...

Rose's POV

"Rose Tyler, I-"

I groaned as my alarm went off. New school, new life, new everything. Yeah, sure, I was excited, but, it was way too early to be waking up and I was in the middle of a dream! I sighed as I turned my alarm off. Well, I guess it's time to get dressed. After I got dressed I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. Surprisingly, my mum was already there. "Good morning, sweetie." She greeted. I nodded and walked to the cabinet to get a bowl. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah." I poured some cereal into the bowl.

"You have all your things packed?"

"Yes." I poured in some milk and grabbed a spoon.

"Good." Mum took a sip of her coffee.

I took a seat at the dinning room table and set the bowl down. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"What? Oh, yes, don't worry about me." She smiled but I could see she was going to be lonely.

After breakfast I grabbed my bag and put it in Mum's car. And after some running around and fussing over little things, we both got into the car. The first few minutes were spent in silence until my mum spoke up, "I'm going to miss you." There it was. The sentence I've been expecting to hear but not wanting to hear. "I'm going to miss you, too," I responded. "We'll see each other when the holidays come around."

"That's far too long."

And I had to agree.


I waved to my mum, the last time I'll be doing so for awhile, and she drove off. I took a deep breath and turned around. The building in front of me was big, and it was just for dorms. I walked up the steps and opened the door. The woman at the front desk looked up and smiled. "What's your name, dear?" I walked up to the desk and said, "Rose. Rose Tyler." The woman's nails made a noise everytime she typed. "Ah, yes, Rose Tyler," a paper started coming out of the printer. "You'll be staying on the second floor in room 10A." She grabbed the paper and handed it to me. "Hope you have a great time here." I grabbed the paper and thanked her then headed over to the stairs.

As I walked up the stairs I looked at the paper I was given. It was my schedule. I looked up just in time to run into somebody coming down the stairs. "Oh! Sorry!" I appologized, noticing I dropped my bag. The stranger picked it up for me and said, "No need to appologize." He handed it to me. We stared at each other for a few seconds. He looked familiar... "Do I know you?" I asked.

"I was just about to ask the same thing. I don't think we've met, though..."

I opened my mouth to say more but he spoke again, "Well I'll be going. See you around?" He smiled.

"Uh, y-yeah, I guess." I stuttered.

His smile grew and he headed down the stairs. I took a deep breath and continued in the opposite direction. When I finally made it to the second floor and wondered the hall for awhile, I found my room. I put my hand on the doorknob. New school, new life, new everything. Was I really ready for this? I opened the door and stepped inside the room. My roommate was already there and she smiled at me.

"Hello, I'm Martha Jones."


A/N: Okay~ I did it. It's short, I know. But I'm sick and I feel like throwing up. Oh, and in my Pewdiecry fanfic the Superwholock chapter The Doctor's name was David Smith (because I couldn't resist) and I thought I'd just transfer it over here :3 Okay I think that's it. There might be spelling mistakes since I'm writing it on my Nook. Okay that's it. ok I luv u buh-bye!


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