Chapter 16: Matt's Letter

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A/N: Just a short sweet chapter in David's point of view of what Matt said and what happened during dinner. But on another note, bAND CAMP KILLED MY CONVERSE! THERE IS A HOLE IN THEM NOW! I'm upset.

David's POV

We sat at the same table we found during breakfast and lunch. Gabriel, Adam, and Martha all sat with their other friends once more. But they did talk with us when we were in line. "So," Sam started. "What did I miss?" We explained the distraction Rose and Cas caused and Sherlock said he found more mysteries than answers. "Sounds complicated," Sam commented.

"It is," Sherlock responded.

"Maybe you'll get lucky," I said.

"Wait, Cas," Sam looked over to said person. "You actually convinced a nurse that you fainted?"

Cas nodded. "Rose assured her that I was fine."

"He got an icepack out of it," Dean tossed it to his brother.

"Dean's really happy about that." Cas took a sip of his water.

"There's one thing you guys haven't mentioned," He tossed the icepack back. "Why are you two covered in mud?"

Cas choked on his drink. "You deserve that," Dean growled.

"They haven't told us, either," Rose twirled the pasta onto her fork. "I get the feeling they don't want us to know."

Cas took in a big breath. "I'm okay!" He cleared his throat. "I'm fine. The reason we're covered in mud is because your brother is a clumsy dumb ass."

"Excuse you. Who was the one who tripped over that tree root?" Dean defended himself. I had no idea what was happening.

"Excuse yourself, you were the one who fell down the hill after we knew it was there." He picked up his fork to continue eating. "There was also no need to get me involved with that other incident."

Dean stared at Cas for a few moments before throwing the icepack at him. Cas's fork landed on the floor with a rather loud clang as he caught the icepack before it hit his face. "There was a need. You made fun of me."

"I would've made fun of you, too," Sam grinned.

"What are you even talking about?" John asked. Glad I wasn't the only confused one.

"Nothing," Dean and Cas said at the same time.

"I was right after all," Rose said. "There is something they don't want us to know."


I stared at the envelope in my lap for a few minutes. I don't know why I was hesitating to open it. I didn't have anything to be scared of, this was just a letter. A letter from Matt... This was a letter from Matt. I've literally only been gone for two days. Oh God if he was here right now I would smack him on the head. Without any further hesitation, I opened the envelope. I pulled out the letter and opened it. I immediately noticed he erased the greeting multiple times. He probably wrote it ten different times until deciding to stick to the one he had wrote down first.

Dear David,

Hi! You've only been gone for twenty minutes but I already miss you.

I rolled my eyes but the smile was clear on my face.

Amy says it's silly to write a letter so soon after you left but I just couldn't resist. She misses you too. And Clara. Can't forget about her. She'd probably get mad at me if I did. I don't know how soon you'll get this, but I'm assuming you've gone through your first day of school already. So how is it? I bet it's really nice. You better describe it to me in detail! And you better write soon. Mrs. Ness is still determined to find me a permanent home, by the way. She came to tell me that a few minutes ago. You were right. She isn't going to give up on me. Makes me kind of happy. But the poor woman is probably going to die of old age before I find a home... Anyway, write to me soon! Amy and I are going to go do that thing that we were planning. Clara's gonna have to do the distraction all on her own now. We're going to blame you if we get caught. Bye, Davie!


Matt <3

I stared at Matt's signature for a second. He was a giant dork. I was definitely going to write to him. After my classes tomorrow, of course. With that letter in mind, I turned off the light and got into bed.


A/N: Damn. Band camp is killer. And I wasn't even talking about my Converse this time. I felt like crap so I didn't go today, but it was canceled anyway because of reasons. Eeek! Guys! Registration is tomorrow! I'm gonna be a high schooler! Help! I don't know how to handle this! On another note, AH/RT has slowly taken up my life. Along with Mavin. I fucking shipped that like fedex in less than five episodes. Wish me luck for my obsession, my new high school, and that I get better soon because I have a cold without actually having a cold. That made sense, shut up. Good day my achievement hunting Angel Bunnies. ok I luv u buh-bye!


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