Chapter 14: Sarah Jane Smith

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A/N: I'm sorry. I am so so so sorry. My friend wanted Dean in the Host Club. She's persistent *cough* annoying *cough* when she wants something really bad. I am so very sorry. But on the bright side, I'll add Tamaki :D Maybe even the whole Club!

Ooh wait wait wait, for those of you that don't know, it's Ouran High School Host Club. The Host Club "entertains" the females of the school or however the hell Tamaki explained it. On to the story. Oh, remember: incoming freshman. There are many topics I don't know about yet.

John's POV

We all scanned over each other's paper trying to see who we had classes with. Even if we barely knew each other it was always nice to have a class with a familiar face. "Looks like we all have history together," David announced. "First period with Ms. He... H... I don't know how to pronounce that."

"Hey, then I have P.E. with you, Cas," Dean said then groaned. "P.E. second period? That's the worst."

"Looks like we have English together, Sherlock," I said.

"I have algebra with you, David," Rose said. "And then chemistry with you, John."

"David, you're taking band?" Dean asked then took a sip of his orange juice.

"Yes. Is there something wrong with that," David glanced down at Dean's schedule and smirked. "Mr. Host Club?"

Dean nearly spit out his orange juice, Rose stopped her hand before the fork containing the french toast reached her mouth, Cas and I looked down to see Dean's schedule, Sherlock looked a little surprised, and Sam started coughing, probably from choking on his cereal, though it was clear that he was laughing. "H-Host Club?" Sam finally said after his coughing fit. "Dean, you..." He burst out into fits of giggles.

Dean's face quickly turned a deep shade of red. "Shut up! It's not like that was my first choice."

"So it was still your choice?" Sherlock smirked.

"No! That's not what I meant! I just... Whatever! Let's just continue to look at our schedules," Dean huffed.

"You have fourth period chemistry with me, Dean," Cas saved Dean from more humiliation. "And it seems you have fifth period with Rose."

"Really?" Rose looked between the schedules. "You're right. English. And then I have photography with you, Cas."

"You're taking photography, Cas?" Dean asked, slightly amused.

"Hey, you're the one in the Host Cub," Sam defended.

Dean glared at him.

"I have fifth period chemistry with Sherlock," David smiled. "Should be fun."

After making sure we didn't skip any classes, we put our schedules away. The rest of breakfast was spent talking about random topics and getting to know each other.


Rose's POV

We said a quick goodbye as Sam walked over to the freshman class building. "Alright," Dean said. "Which building is the history class in?" We all stopped walking simultaneously. "Someone knows where it is, right?"

"You were the one who went to check out the classes," John pointed out. "Shouldn't you know where it is?"

"Right..." Dean said slowly like he just remembered. "Yeah, that... that was supposed to happen. Well, we never actually made it to the classes. We, uh, ran into some..." he glanced at Cas. "Problems."

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