The start and the plan.

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marco sat on a bench in his dressing room playing guitar practicing for the show which was in twenty minutes. this was a big concert, big stadium, not to mention a sold out show. "hello?" marco said as he heard a knock on the door. "hey marcoooooo" the blonde girl said. "jackie? what? who let you in here..." he said tilting his head squinting his eyes. "security. kind of. anyways" she said walking over to him. "i made a biggg mistake" she said smiling rapping her arm around his neck making a 'move' on him. "um.." marco said taking her hand off of him. "i want you back marco." she said staring directly at him. "Jackie! Why aw do you tell me this BEFORE the show. you know i have anxiety!" he stared at her and then looked directly at the floor. "you broke up with me. im dating star now.. and im happiest with her." he stood up and walked to the door followed by jackie. Jackie put herhand on his shoulder and forced him to turn around and sit down back on the bench. "I know, but well. You see... Maybe shes just doing it for the money..." Jackie said making a evil grin. "Star? No. She wouldnt do that. I love Star and I know for a fact she wouldnt do that." "cheat on her with me. just think about it..." Jackie said kissing him on the cheek and stormed out of the room. "Well damn. How did she even get back here?" Tom said watching Jackie leave towards the crowd as he heard people chanting Tom's name because they got a glance of him. Tom walked in Marco's dressing room. "You okay, dude? You seem,,, puzzled." Marco's hands were holding his head. "jackie wants me to cheat on star with her." marco said not moving an inch besides his mouth as he spoke. Tom stared at Marco as he drank water. Toms side leaned against the wall and he said "you think shes doing it for the money??" "Star?!" Marco darted up. "Star? No Star wouldnt do that. Im talking about Jackie.. I mean, this is a sold out concert. She might just be doing it for the fame. I mean she might be jealous of Star because the whole fandom calls Star 'mom'." Tom said. "I think you should do it--" Tom said before his words were cut off with Marco jumping up and screaming "What?!?" "no no no. Dude let me finish." Tom said and Marco started pacing around the room. "Well first, chill. Drink some water. We have a concert in under fifteen minutes. The opening acts might have to play a few extra songs. And i dont think the fans like them very much." Tom said walking out of the room to look outside as the opening act was singing and the whole crowd of over 20,000 people were mute. Tom walked back in and saw Marco drinking water on a bench breathing in and out. "Okay, now thatI can finish... Im saying call Star and tell her about this. If she says we can do it. Well great! Then we can mess with Jackie. Dont let it get serious. Hugs are okay. Kisses on the cheek. Eh. It depends on what Star says is okay and whats not. But no sex or whatever. Then we can have Star just walk in on you two and have Jackie feel conflicted and scared. Get Star to make Jackie feel uncomfortable. Then just laugh and make her leave. Its that easy.." Tom said shrugging and started to drink his water. "I was going to propose to Star tonight during the concert." Marco said looking down. Tom spat out his water. "Oh.." Marco knew that Tom still sorta liked Star, and since they were best friends, Marco felt horrible about that. "Im sorry.." Marco said looking up. "No no no no! no need to be sorry. I have Janna. Its alright dude. Shes scary though. Heh. But hey. Thats even better. Jackie will want you even more so she will be more intimated by Star! This is great! Hah! Wanna call Star now?" Tom said. Marco shook his head and picked up the phone and dialed Star's number. "Hey babe" Marco said when Star answered. "Hi Star!" Tom said. Both of the huddled over the phone. "Hey guys. Im in the crowd. Its pretty dead. I mean a lot of people but the opening act?? Yeeeeeeshhh.. Nobody likes them. Anyways what's up?" "This is gonna take a lot of explaining. Jackie wants me to cheat on you..." Marco said. "So you're breaking up with me?" her voice shattered and there was screaming on the phone. Some fans obviously heard Stars conversation and they went ballistic. "No no no no." Marco said. "Oh! Everyone calm down its okay!!" Star said. "Tom says its because i have money." marco said. "Probably, i mean. Didnt Jackie break up with YOU?! I remember exactly when it happened. Bad times." Star shivered. "So. What we want to do is mess with her head.  So she thinks shes getting her way, but we want to intimidate her." Marco said. "Ooo okay! Fun!!" Star said. Tom shook Marco's arm. "we're on in two minutes." he whispered. "Alright Star! Gotta go. Love you!" He said. "love you too."
*during the show*
"so,, hows everyone doing tonight!?" Marco said into the microphone as everyone cheered. "We have lots of more songs to play, dont worry. but i would like to take the time and call up my girlfriend Star? Security can you help her get up here I dont want her hurt.." Marco said staring at some of the guards as they walked to help Star get on stage and they gave her a microphone. "You didnt tell me I was coming up here tonight." she whispered. "Everyone, a round of applause for Star for being the BEST girlfriend in the worlddd" he smiled and looked at Star and grabbed her hand. "oh is this apart of the plan?" she smiled. Tom shook his head in the back. "Nope." Marco said. "Everyone chant 'Star'!" He said into the microphone as everyone chanted. "good job! Now silent down I have something important to say" He smiled. "Star Butterfly, best friend, best girlfriend. I have a question." Star looked confused and the crowd immediately started screaming. "Marco, you're not--" She said tearing up. Marco got down on one knee. "Star, I love you with all my heart, all the dimensions we could go to, i love you to the moon and back Infinite amounts of times. Star Butterfly--" He said. "Marco oh my gosh" she cried. "will you--" he was cut off "OH MH GOD YES!" She said as they kissed and the crowd went wild as Tom clapped and fell of his chair on the drums. "im okay!" he screamed and got back up.
part two soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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